A pep talk

diamond hitch

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2020
Western Montana
Please don't take this as a lecture, we have all had enough of those. It is rather a pep talk for all of us. My target audience is for those primarily over 50. Those that got up in the middle of the night to pee. Those that got up after 5:30 because they hurt too bad to lay in bed any longer. I speak from experience. For the rest of you enjoy your life to the fullest cause these years are coming.

I have lived through horse wrecks, some near misses in helicopters, polymyalgia (twice) where I was nearly paralyzed for 18 months so bad that I had to have my wife help me off the toilet or out of the tub. I have had both hips replaced because of hard use or maybe drugs for the polymyalgia. In general, I have lived my life under a rode hard and put away wet program. Not exactly the same program most of you have lived by.

This last year while putting up hay I was diagnosed with diffuse large "B" cell lymphoma. My first week of hunting season lost one day to start chemo. The second week found me shedding hair like a coyote with mange. The rest of season was a new experience being bald and bare for the first time since my gradeschool years. I was extremely fortunate to not experience any side effects and was in the field and on horsesback for 28 days. I finally quit the last couple days due to being so cold and living through a couple of horse wrecks where my pony fell flat on frozen ground. I was most disturbed by the emotion evolved by the possibility of never seeing the places I love again. Not knowing what my future was going to bring - a short trip or room to plan. The unknown was very difficult to face and in some ways still is.

A petscan has shown me cancer free- for now. The Corona virus doesn't necessarily cause me anyway near the fear that of the unknown of cancer.

My attitude- I have a new horse and trailer I haven't wore out yet. I know there are elk out there that I haven't shot at yet. There are chunks of land I haven't stepped on yet. The wife and I continue to work on our house which isn't done yet. For all of us life could end at any time. My goal is to go out having really lived every moment of life I have been allowed. I urge you to do the same. Get out of that chair plan your future. The future of experiencing everything you ever dreamed of. You only get one try at it.
I've heard it said that, "A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." By that definition I'd say you're not old yet, so enjoy that new horse and adventures. Please share a few pics and stories from your upcoming adventures with those of us not wise enough to heed your pep talk. Good luck!
You're preaching to the choir diamond hitch. My story is similar to yours. I lost most of last season due to medical reasons and I question what kind of shape I'll be in for this season but I'm still anticipating the upcoming draw results like a kid waiting for Christmas so I must be OK. Getting old sucks don't it. When Randy says "Hunt when you can. You're gonna run outta health before you run outta money." Take it to heart folks, take it to heart.

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