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A Great Spot Ruined


New member
Jul 26, 2011
Southeast Idaho
About five weeks ago while out scouting, I stumbled onto this awesome water hole. When I arrived at the spot there were over 50 Elk bedded down around the spot. They moved out a little, but stayed around while I investigated the area closer. I decided I would put my trial camera up on this spot. In Idaho it's legal to have a camera up during the season. While I was putting the camera up, a lone cow stood about 70 yards away barking. I finished up and walked out of the area in a different direction than the rest of the Elk went as to not spook them any further.

I know the cattleman pretty well that has his cows in the Forest Service area where I hunt. Low and behold, the day after I set my camera, he moved over 500 head of cattle into this grazing unit. And as my luck would have it, it didn't take long for them to find this water hole. Anyway, I go up this past Saturday to see how things are going on this spot. I get there, and no cattle. Good start. I change the memory card on my camera and decide I'm going to sit on the spot for the afternoon. I couldn't check what pictures I had at the time, so I was hopeful the cows had moved out and the Elk moved back in.

After about three hours, I hear a crash coming down the side of the mountain towards me and I start seeing nothing but cattle. They storm in and take over my peaceful water hole. Now it's time to move. Later that evening, I get back to camp and pull my pictures up on my laptop. In four weeks, nearly 5000 pictures. Not one Elk. In fact, not one of wild game. All cattle. So my theory again is proven correct, for me anyway. If they move cattle into my spot, it's time to look for a new spot.

The good part is there is about three weeks left in the season and he is supposed to move his cows in the next week or so. Hopefully this will improve this spot. In the meantime, I'm going to rely on some of my other areas. Just thought I'd vent and share my experience. Good luck to all of you out there giving your all.
.....better cattle, than a loud mouth hunting buddy who notifies 8 of his cheese-head chronies who NEVER shoot or see elk, of the/MY greatest spot?????

Cattle cannot draw a tag.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. I get a lot of that in central Idaho too with ranchers's just a fact of life. Hopefully you get your spot back before the end of the season.
I feel your pain. In my particular situation the forest service publishes all the Annual Operating Instructions for the grazing allotments online. So, depending on how the cattle are rotating around the canyon in a particular year I make sure to be on the other side. Although, this year Marvel and his crew won some kind of judgement and cattle have been locked out all year. I'm interested to see how that changes the elk behavior when I head out next week.
went to check in on my favorite green head spot, an awesome spot i always hit limit in. Teal season just started now there haven't been any teal in the area yet but i figured it was time to start thinking about ducks.
The spot is trashed, there is a trash barrel with a grate across someone was using as a fire pit, my brush blind left up from last year is burned. all kinds of different shall casings scattered around, boxes from ammo, cans, bottles and a pair of shoes.

I feel your pain sir I feel your pain.
Sorry to hear that. I've had similar experiences, only with ATVs.
Sorry to hear that. I've had similar experiences, only with ATVs.

Oh had to say the "ATV" word...can't wait to see what lunacy unfolds this season with them running around while I'm hunting. Remember this article ,just remember given the area your in...who has the rights, and who doesn't. Make sure you bust em' if they don't.
We own some property and our renter grazes his cattle on a portion of it; the big game might pass through the "grazing" property, but they don't stick around on it like they do in the area where he can't graze (due to no fences).

The only time I've seen cattle work to a hunting advantage is while hunting antelope, otherwise cattle are a big PITA!

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