A few ducks


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
Friday just me and the dog could get out to hunt a few ducks. Everyone else was either working or sleeping off the effects of too much turkey. Got a few to decoy in the morning but forgot the camera for a field pic. Got back to the house and everyone was up getting ready to decorate for Christmas so I had the Nemont family pose with the ducks. I know there is one suzie, couldn't be helped.

Saturday a couple of buddies and I went down to our favorite duck hole and WOW were the birds piling in. I shot like crap and still managed a limit.

KJ and our three man limit.

Holy cow, way to put the hammer down on the greenheads. I am still in SD, so wasn't sure what the conditions were like back home. Hopefully I can find some up that way next weekend.

Your duck boat looks a little better than mine. :D
Nice bud..... Usually I've been out a dozen times by now and thus far I've been out.... Uhhhhhh Yep, "0" :( Ohh well, Seasons not over yet :)

Looks like you forced the family out. Do they know you brag about them on the Site ? Everyone looks interested to be in the Picture Exept "fido" ... ;)
The geese are loaded up here by the thousands. Hopefully we will be hitting some fields the weekend. Hopefully this snow will melt off a little and not freeze a hard crust on the ground. The ducks just started showing up in big numbers on the Mighty Mo.
