Yeti GOBOX Collection

40 Below Zero And No Power

Oh, he’s paying for it too.

All up front.

I’ve been contemplating a solar/battery system for our place and initial cost will be over $20,000. Possibly even $30,000.
Your right he did the math it's gonna take 10 years I think he said to break even. But that was electrical rates at the time and didn't include rate increases so likely 8 or 9 years he will hit the break even mark.
Your right he did the math it's gonna take 10 years I think he said to break even. But that was electrical rates at the time and didn't include rate increases so likely 8 or 9 years he will hit the break even mark.
Sounds about right. For me it’s right at that point of break even time I’m not sure I want to do it. 7-8 years ROI has been what I always went with
Our neighborhood had a new one last week at 20 below zero. The main line gas regulator froze up and about 130 houses lost gas during the day. Luckily the power stayed on and the milk house heaters were working but I didn’t see that one coming. I was have been on the google machine for “replacing gas stove insert with wood stove”
I'm late to the game here but our power is flaky at best. We are regularly without power at least once a month for a couple days at a time. There's no line that loops to another so basically we are at the end of a 30 mile extension cord. It's a single 12kva line that originates in San Jose that was originally intended only to serve the Lick Observatory. We have a 20k stationary propane mix and match unit with a Ford 2300 powering a Kohler gen set. We lovingly call it Chernobyl. 1.6 gallons per hour. It was a life saver after the fires as it ran pretty much 24/7 for 3 weeks.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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