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.270 Win or 30-06 Sprg for Elk


New member
Jul 18, 2016
West Texas
Comfortable with both rifles, but not sure which one to use on my upcoming Elk hunt? The .270 Win is a Browning BAR semi-auto loader, the 30-06 is Mossberg bolt action rifle, or would you invest in a .300 Win rifle?
No need to buy a new one. Use the one you like best. The BAR is a pretty heavy gun, something to consider. Elk hunting usually means a little bit of hiking.
.270 win. has been my go to rifle for elk the last thirty years. It has always done the job. Take the extra cash and get a good pair of boots and a good back pack.
I have a 300wsm and a 30-06... my 30-06 can do anything that my 300 can do. Save your money and buy a good pair of boots and a decent pack
I have a 300wsm and a 30-06... my 30-06 can do anything that my 300 can do. Save your money and buy a good pair of boots and a decent pack
Agree. The 300 shoots the same projectile as the 30-06, just a few hundred fps slower. At long extreme ranges, it would make a difference, but at normal hunting distances 30-06, is a great round. Bring the .270 as a back-up if you have the room.
Forget the Bar, I had one in 300wm,fired a few hundred rounds thru it at the range with no problems, until i took Elk hunting. lost my first and only chance at nice bull because of case jam. sold it as soon as i got home and bought a bolt action. haven't had a shot at an elk since.
Both 270 and 30-06 will kill an elk, no problem. I went with 30-06 this year just because of the wide range of bullet weights. Put one behind the shoulder and it'll drop.
Both 270 and 30-06 will kill an elk, no problem. I went with 30-06 this year just because of the wide range of bullet weights. Put one behind the shoulder and it'll drop.
I agree, but I like to use bullets that I can put THROUGH the shoulder. Keeps them in place better... ;)
My friend shoots Elk and Deer with a .270- he loves it!
I shoot Elk and Deer with a 30.06- I love it!
Both great guns. Good luck!
I shoot a 338 at elk nowadays but I used a 270 for years with tons of success. Never had any problems with it bringing down an elk. Both the 06 and 270 are quality choices. I think your bigger decision is the bullet you use, use a good quality bullet. I prefer the Barnes TSX but to each his own.
In this case your choice is between a bolt action and a semi-auto. The cartridges are so close that it's irrelevant. Either one will do the job. Only you can decide which one you prefer. The first factor I would consider is which one do you shoot best and have the most confidence in.
My son shot his first bull this past year with my wife's Remington .270. He used 150 grain factory loaded 150 grain Nosler Partitions and made a long 408 yard shot. The bull was every bit as dead as any elk I have shot with my 7mm Mag.
My brother in AZ has shot all his elk with a 30.06 and never had a problem with not enough gun.
Your .270 will certainly do the job if you do your part.
Either one is good. I would use the one you shoot the best. A good Nosler Accubond, Partition, or E-tip in either one will work superbly.
I've used the .270 for all my elk kills. Works good. When I was young before I handloaded I killed a few cows with the .270 using factory Remington corelocks.
The above advice about which rifle will be easier to hike with is good.
Thank you all for the replies, I will take both on my hunting trip this year. I will work with both in the next couple months and will determine which one I can get the best shot. I've had the 30-06 much longer and a little bit more comfortable with that rifle. I hope to have a great story to share after the hunt.
I would get a Ruger M77 mark 2 in a 300 win. mag. with a very good scope, I use Nikon Monarchy 3-9 but would go with more scope power to shoot longer distances. I shoot a 3 round in a quarter size hole at 50 yds. with nosler tip 180gr. bullets. I have never had a deer complete a full step when being hit with this load and gun, shot placement is very important. Never take a iffy shot, the animal deserves a clean and quick kill if possible.
Kenetrek Boots

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