Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

2018 Idaho OTC Report


Feb 11, 2012
A buddy and I were in Idaho on an OTC tag and hunted from September 15-26. We met up with a friend we made from our Idaho unit last year (who is from ID).

Once again most everyone we met in Idaho was awesome. Heading west for us each year is something we look forward to for 11 months of the year. Its what keeps me motivated and in the gym and outside shooting my bow all summer long.

We were able to get into elk most every day. Bugling was less than what we expected for the elk that we were seeing. We weren't sure if this was a function of the hi daytime temps, hunter pressure, moon phase or what. We did also have a wolf pop up in front of us at 150 yards one day while hiking through sage up to a glassing point.

Our first spot I got the impression was a bull summering area as there was tons of rubs and sign but the ratio we saw was 2:1 bulls to cows which I thought was strange. I would've guessed for that ratio we would've got more bugling with them searching for cows but we didn't. We blew some chances in that spot. My buddy missed the one text book set up we had on a nice 5 point that was bugling from his bed and I came to full draw on a silent small 4 point the next day. No shot. Our third guy got a shot but his fletching caught a pine bough and he killed a pine tree instead of an elk. Other than my buddies opportunity it seemed most bulls would bugle in the AM at a distance and then we'd hike over to there ridge only to be met with silence. Very frustrating.

When our third guy had to head home we did day hunts and got high and found a couple bulls that had cows and tried to work them. First day the herd rounded up and headed the other way (I think we were out of the "threat zone") and the next day we were working one bugle when another fired up real close. We got set up but were just a little further than this nice 5x6 wanted to come and I had to watch him at 55 behind some small branches with no shot.

We ran into several other hunters who had spent a lot of time in the unit and they noted seeing less elk than usual. Maybe due to dry conditions? They weren't sure either. I did notice we were about the only people that far in without something to carry our things for us. Might have to fix that with llama or horse rental next time.

About everyone was encouraging and helpful. There was one ID resident who said "I'm going to give Newberg and earful" for promoting GoHunt and seemed to lament that information on hunting units has become more readily available and "that there's no secrets anymore". I do use GoHunt but honestly the ID hunt planner is about as good as it gets for helping plan a hunt there.

Hope everyone's seasons are going well. I'm back on the east coast at work, but will be headed out for whitetails through the fall. I'm excited for a mini Sika deer camp we're doing a couple hours from my house on eastern shore MD next weekend. If I can't get a full sized elk I'm going to try to get "a poor man's elk". They're whistling/bugling peaks about this time of year.
Sounds like you had some great opportunities! Glad you had a great time!

Was your buddy saying Randy was giving out actual hunting areas in Idaho? I've not listened to any of his stuff so unaware, thanks!

It wasn't me or someone from our group, but an ID resident who'd hunted the area for a long time that we ran into at a trailhead lamenting Newberg talking about GoHunt. He was also all worked up about ID F&G "telling people where the elk are" and causing problems with "too many people in this area".

I did call F&G before we left for Idaho but it was more so for information on road conditions and fire status. I always assume whatever F&G is telling me they are telling everyone else who calls.
Sounds like you had a good time. Good luck on your upcoming hunts.
When I hear people talking about Idaho, it sounds like they have been sitting in my stand to me. Giving away all my favorite spots. The reality is their detailed information is not very detailed. Everyone in today’s society is HYPERSENSITIVE to their perception of ownership, myself included. Keep coming to Idaho. Sounds like so far you have given a lot of $$ and left all our animals intact��
Yeah I agree with the guy you met... dang Newberg needs to stop talking about ID in general! Same with everyone else. There's no elk in ID, the wolves ate them all!
I don't see anything wrong with telling people how to find their own place. I've cussed hunting magazines and websites several times for telling people spots. About 6 years ago my spot got overrun with non-residents and residents because of an article in a very popular magazine stating the unit I hunt was "The best chance of killing a bull elk with a bow." It was ridiculous. It's an unlimited over the counter tag. F&G said they sold over 5 times the usual tag numbers. 3 or 4 trucks at the bottom of every draw and the same at the top. All season long. If you bugled you would get 5-10 responses from other hunters. The harvest was high not because of good hunting but simple numbers of hunters in the woods and the herd is still recovering from the slaughter. The elk couldn't go anywhere without getting shot at. I found dead and dying elk almost every day. The next year was similar because of the previous years high harvest numbers. That year was one of the worst years I've ever seen. This year my pronghorn hunt was filled with hunters everywhere because of the "trophy potential" that was published in the harvest reports. I see where he's coming from but Randy is in no way to blame. I actually like the way randy shows people how to find their own area instead of just going off a hot spot they have heard about. It spreads guys out more in my opinion.
Thanks for your response. Providing info to others about hunting areas or even hunting spots can be a sore subject for sure, no matter what areas you recommend even though it's not yours can put a hindrance on someone elses spots, not cool for sure!

It's one thing to share tactics & methods of use for specific animals that may be applied anywhere but hunting spots are not included! (grin) It's tough to find decent spots as it is without giving them away freely!

I wish Randy would shut up sometimes when talking about different states and different things but he doesn't suggest specific hunting areas or units from everything I've listened to. He has some videos on how to find elk that use a specific unit but he makes sure to pick a draw area and covers multiple different places from a high level saying how he'd hunt them.

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