PEAX Equipment

2014 Wyoming Antelope 2nd choice non-resident


New member
Oct 7, 2013
We were looking for some advise on the 2nd choice special option. My older buddies and I want to hunt Antelope sooner than later. I have 28 points built up in Arizona and still have not drawn. Naturally our 1st choice is for premium hunts, but we just want to go hunting for a buck and some does with our second choice. Doing the research is intense and I have a couple of units narrowed down and was hoping for any thoughts. We looked at the size of the unit and balanced that with the amount of public land and tags available.

We have settled our sites between unit 50 and 113 for our second choice and between 46 and 32 for our third. Again, we just want to hunt, but a respectable buck 12 inch plus would be nice for us. I have hunted Arizona all of my life and can reciprocate with information on Elk, Javelina, and Coues Deer. I'm still holding out for my Unit 10 Arizona Antelope, but I'm getting the itchy finger for Antelope in Wyoming.

Thanks in advance,

Welcome and good luck. I would make 32 or 46 my first choice over 50 and 113. If WYG&F cuts access monies due to budget cuts that will greatly impact access in many of these units, including 32 and 46. I would wait as close to the deadline as possible and see what happens with winter kill and budget cuts, then make your choice accordingly.

If a 12"+ buck is your goal, you are going to have many chances to achieve that goal by hunting pronghorn in Wyoming. Good luck.
I don't think you can go wrong with any of the units that you have mentioned. They will all hold 12" goats and you should be able to do better than that if you keep your finger off the trigger for a while.
Pretty sure 113 had OTC leftovers the past 2 years? I'm hunting WY with a leftover for the second year in a row and was very successful last year, we'll see how it goes this year but the leftover tags are a great plan B.

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