Sitka Pre Season Savings

2010 Pronghorn pics

Thanks guys, I havent gotten graces measured again yet I dont see how that buck isnt bigger. The mass is crazy. Oh well its still an amazing buck.
Heres what happened in NE I should of been done there as well. Oh well I get to hunt some more.

Thursday morning first thing I found a group of does and a buck got the sun behind me and headed in with black baseball cap and white tshirt. The buck saw me and came on the run. I ranged some weeds between us so I had an idea of distance. Weeds were 40 yards. He came right through those weeds and then circled to the left. It seemed like he was right at that 40 yard mark so when he stopped I let it fly and it sailed right under him. He took off and it was done.

The ruts still going pretty hot, had bucks charge into between 35-50 yards three times, couldnt get a shot twice missed the third and bucks, and hang up twice at 150yards. I had a blast though but the first split is over and the rut will be over when the season starts again.
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Awesome bucks! Thanks for taking the time to post all of the photos and commentary this year.

Your CO buck and Grace's WY buck are outstanding.
Well its the last day of 2010 and I havent gotten my last trip posted so I figured I better get it done. It was a while back so sorry about the delay.

I decided I hadnt gotten enough wyoming goat chasing so I made the decision to go back. Looked at the leftovers list and picked a couple units to go check out. My goal was to find an 80 in buck buy a tag and kill it. I had two days off to get it done. I spent 6 days on the computer and phone after work researching these areas and access points. I knew it was going to be a large task because these areas had leftovers for a reason. This is a quick summary.
Oct. 28th
Left the house at 2 am for a 6hr drive.
I checked out some areas I felt might pan out but after seeing them in person it was a total bust. First was a walk in area with some BLM surrounding it. The abundance of oilfield and mining operations proved to be too much. The hunting pressure in this area was also high due to the limited public ground.
I decided to move on to the next unit. A quick stop in Buffalo for food, fuel and maps helped get some more ideas. Some state properties south of buffalo held promise. Saw some decent bucks in the mid 70s hanging out on 200 acre tract but other hunters were already there. Moving on I found antelope using private hayfields and occasionaly crossing blm. If I had more time it deffiantly would have panned out to sit and ambush, but I only had a little over a day left. I hit one of the bigger tracts of BLM and found some bucks right at dark, biggest being about 70. Not quite what I wanted. Found a place to park catch some zzzs and wait for morning.

oct 29th
Hit some spots early but didnt find what I was looking for. Then about 2 I was running on the interstae and saw a herd of about 200. I quickly pulled off and was ecstatic at what I saw through the spotter. There was four bucks in the group I would put a tag on. The largest I estimated around 82-83. They were all on BLM too. (sorry no pics) The bad part was there were no roads accessing the property except the interstate, and not knowing if it was a legal access point I started making calls. The one day I couldnt get a hold of a game warden was today. I called multiple offices and noone would give me a yes or no. Not sure of what to do as the sun was creeping down and still having to buy a license in town, I realized it wasnt in the cards. I had to be back in CO early in the morning. I had a great time and found exactly what I was looking for on public ground in a leftover unit, unfortunately it wasnt the ending I wanted. Here are some pics I didnt get a lot of pronghorn pics on this one, they were a ways off the road most of the time. I did take some scenery pics though. The possibilities are always there in WY and it was an excellent trip for the future.










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