2 down in Colorado!


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
Buddy of mine that post here from time to time (under the handle of PYGMY) called from Colorado last night. His group went 2 for 3 on bulls during their muzzy hunts. Dan got a nice 6x6 and his partner a real heavy 5by....said they'll be pics and stories upon their return home. Their third member saw the most elk of the group but never could get a clear shot with the smokepole on one. Also some nice bucks taken by antoher group of hunters in the area.

...by the way Oscar, Dan (PYGMY) says kudos on the ram, he'll catch up with ya on his return!
Tell him Congrats and I own him his Tapes.... I'm calling the Wife right now to make sure "I" don't forget ;)

Good to hear the critters are falling !!!
I'll tell him Moosie...he's only home for one day and then off to New Brunswick to chase bullwinkle...by the way I guess he saw three moose (including one good bull) while chasing elk
in CO. I need to hear more about the bucks taken in that area...guess a few were bruisers :eek: