Caribou Gear Tarp

10 day back pack hunt


New member
Sep 23, 2007
Napa CA
I'm getting my gear ready for a 10 day 3 man caribou hunt. Not sure no what gear to bring.
My pack optoin are MR crew cab or the alpha wolf pack. I would like to use the CC if I can get my gear all to fit. I feel that it would be better fit for the day to hunt out of base camp. My tent is going to be a Hilleberg Nallo 2 my bed is a 20 degree bag with a downmate pad. Food is 15 montain house pro pack meals with a 10 day Wilderness Althelete pack for break fast it will be 2 packs of oatmeal a day. Jet boil to do the cooking with we are bring the jetboil frypan to eat some bou if we get lucky. That will get divived up amogest the 3 of us along with 2 16oz cans of fuel.No optics other than my 10's around my neck and my Kimber Montana 270 wsm if I can get it to shoot good enough. Sitka rain gear with simms long underware, 2 pairs of pants 5 scocks and underware.
What do you all think?
Game bags?
Water purification/filter?
I'd make sure to have some sort of insulating layer other than just a base layer?

I guess there's a lot more that I'd bring other than what's on your list as currently shown. I will say, that I see no problems with the stuff you do have listed.
What 1_p said, plus...

How do you plan to get the meat out? Getting your gear to fit is only half the the problem. You need to be able to get gear and a caribou back out. I'd take a larger pack.
Trekker poles

How do you plan to get the meat out? Getting your gear to fit is only half the the problem. You need to be able to get gear and a caribou back out. I'd take a larger pack.

I agree. You said setting up a base camp? Are you guys hiking in from the highway or being flow n in?

If you post a few more details maybe we can help you. I take completely different gear if I'm hiking in initially or being flown in. Its the water vs beer dilemma.
We are going to hike in about 7 to 10 miles then hunt out of there. We figured that we would take a couple of days to get the meat out making 2 mile relay pack outs. With 3 caribou it would take about 6 loads to get them all the way out.
Game bags will be 5 alaska game bags vacum packed water filtraration will be one for the hand held pump units forget what one we have. Knive will be a Havalon with 10 blades and a Knife of alaska bone saw. Camera is just a cannon digital that fits in my pocket. GPS is a rhino.
I know that I have left out alot of stuff still, I'm just trying to get a head start on it.
Thanks again
Hunt area?

where are you planning to hunt? Driving or flying? Just thinking about a future moose / caribou hunt ?
Only the pants you wear. 2 pair is crazy and you may leave them on the way out. If they get wet you can wear long undies with rain pants. Only 2 pairs of skivies total. 5 days in each. Socks I can understand but would only do 3-4 max.

CC is not big enough to get everything for 10 days. 1/2 a boned out medium size Bou was 49 and 48 pounds, actually weighed after the pack out this year.
Dink I like your thinking on the clothing. It would be nice to get it in the CC but it don't think it will happen. Anyone vaccum pack toilet paper? I think some iteams like the tp and game bags clothing would save alot if room. What about dry bag I see that REI has compression dry bags, Has anyone tried them?
Thanks again
TP + wet wipes, no one likes monkey butt. Unless you are tough enough to dunk your lower region into a creek.

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Just packing out the before mentioned bou last year. 2 people 1/2 bou each. Did go slower after we picked up camp as well. Around 5 miles total.

I have actually been meaning to buy some synthetic boxers to use for backpacking but I have not found the ones I want yet. I would think 2 pairs of those for 10 days would be perfect.
I pack my food in individual ziploc day bags so I know what I have each day. 2 oatmeal packs for breakfast a, protien bar for mid morning snack, about 5oz of trail mix, an ounce of jerky, another protien/power bar for mid afternoon, then a MT house for dinner. I take a bag of cous cous along and mix a little in with the mt house. Other than that just a few hard candies and gator aide, daily food weight is 1.25lbs and around 2900 calories. I put in 2 sheets of bounty in each day bag and 1 and 1/2 for tp and a half of sheet as a rag to wipe bowl out. Bounty will hold up even when damp or wet so I've used it instead of TP for years.
I pack my food in individual ziploc day bags so I know what I have each day.

We do the same, takes the guess work out of it.

A few tea bags are always nice when you end up cold and dank. This summer when backpacking I want to try tortillas with the freeze dried rice dishes with Taco Bell Fire sauce. The plain old rice with chicken has the most ounces in it, but man is it bland.

We were also using these last year. Not Gatoraide but a nice diversion from water. One of them is good for 1 liter.


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I always just wear cotton, but wouldn't merino be the way to go on boxers for being in the backcountry for that long? My smartwool long underwear never seems to get ripe no matter how much I sweat in it.
Randy11, as you get older, you'll get riper faster. Especially in wool long underwear.

Dink, you call chaffed bum monky butt, that's funny because we call it Baboon butt. Pretty close. Ha ha. That's funny stuff right there.
I'd also be for taking more than one water filter or at least some drops/tabs as backup. I've been on a trip where the filter konked out. Makes it seem much longer...

Vacuum packing can save some space initially, but if you use those items you can re-vacuum pack them so I don't see the point.

Post a complete packing list in a table/list format and we'll be able to give you all sorts of suggestions.
The gear list as of now:
Back pack MR wolfpack or CC
Gun Kimber Montanna 270 wsm with 30 rounds (yes that is alot but the last couple of years i need it)
Bino's Leicas 10X42
Knife Havalon with 10 blades
Knife of Alaska bone saw
Ti goat walking poles
Sitka rain gear top & bottom
Simms long underware t&b
1 pair pants
3 underware
5 shocks
2 long sleve shirts
Hilleberg Nallo 2
20 deg down bag
Down mate sleeping pad
Jat boil
Ti drinking cup
Water filter
Ti spoon
3 rolls TP
MIsc first aid
15 Mountain house propcaks
20 instant oat meals
30 bars cliff/wa/candy
That is what I can think of for now I'm sure that there will be some changes in 6 months any help is greatly appreciated
Yws the flash light was over looked on the list I will have a head lamp and a 1 aa gerber handheld