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  1. L

    mmm...mmm...mmmm...Sunday mornings :)

    ya gotta love Sunday mornings! hump Hunterman woke me early (6:45 :eek: ) but he made up for that by bringing me tea and breakfast in bed at 8:30 :D . Of course I thanked him for his thoughtfulness ;) Now he wants to go to WallyWorld and spend money. Good thing he won $20 on a scratch ticket...
  2. L


    Hunterman told me this about noon today and I'm still roflmao whenever I think about it :rolleyes: :D !! He told me that he was going to kill his deer on opening day this year!! :eek: :D I just about fell out of the car! Good thing I still had my seatbelt on!!! He just looked at me and...
  3. L

    Wednesday's Wondering...

    Hunterman is working late tonight so I offered to put in his thought for the day for him; I'm nice like that. ;) Doesn't he have a great wife? hump So here it is.. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened!! :confused:
  4. L

    What A Day

    Today was a really great day! hump It started about 5:15 this morning (that was the first time I woke up). Today was the opening day of baseball season and I had tickets :D !! I couldn't wait to get the day started. :D On the way to the bus though, it seemed that every slow person in the...
  5. L

    Hmmm... Do You Think Hunterman...

    ...Will be mad :rolleyes:? I bought new furniture :D . It was the siding money (for the house siding) :eek: , and his HUNTING money hump ! Maybe he won't notice ;) . I wonder how long it will take before he notices- the furniture or/and the missing money :rolleyes: Do you think he'll miss...
  6. L

    tnctcb-one down; two to go...

    Hey Tim! :D Got any more buddies to bring up with you on your next trip out this way? :eek: We have two daughters left :cool: that might be interested! :rolleyes: Hunterman is looking forward to having a talk with the young man upon his return. He's been waiting for this since they were...

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