PEAX Equipment

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  1. W

    Last day doves

    Dove season closed sunday so I went out to the last area we had been getting some birds just after Thanksgiving. The area in AZ between Salome and Aguila is a major melon raising valley and there are huge fields where even though the melons have been picked, many have been left to rot and doves...
  2. W

    Chasin' gambels

    Finally recieved some much needed rain last week. Over 2" in my rain gauge but after being housebound for three days we went out sunday in spite of more rain in the forcast. It rained as advertised a sight for sore (dry) eyes Steve and I managed to pick up a few Next day was bright and...
  3. W

    Doves for dinner

    Had a good dove shoot the other day and some bacon left over, let's see what I can do with them Wrap each bird in bacon Broil 8/9 minutes, high heat For side dish some winter vegetables will do Dice and spray with a little oil, add afew pieces of bacon and bake at 450 for 30 minutes Looks...
  4. W

    Trouble gets a bird

    My friend Steve came down from NoCal to hunt doves and brought three dogs. One is Trouble, 14 years old golden, nearly deaf and with pretty bad arthritis in his legs but still has the desire we set up on a local waterhole Steve downed abird on the other side of the fence, he helped Trouble...
  5. W


    Been hotter than I like till today so I went out for a couple of hours a few miles north of town. Temp same as my age, 74* when I got there and supposed to heat up into the upper 80s again next week. Looks like a good track to take Summer rains have left the desert here in better shape that...
  6. W

    Hummers and super moon

    The cat likes them too. (Don't worry, he's on a leash).
  7. W

    Hoppy's breakfast

    Update on the RR with a broken leg. The leg is healed but is crooked. He still shows up most mornings and is on top of my garage waiting for his handout. Didn't seem real hungry this morning.
  8. W

    Finally found one.

    I've been keeping an eye out for a decent model 1894 for a while. You just never know what you will find at a garage sale. I would liked to have found a Saddle Ring Carbine but this rifle was too nice to pass up for $1,250. It's a good %75 or better, made in 1905 according to Madis' book and in...
  9. W

    Still a few birds out there

    Even though I warned him that it is a pretty lean year, my friend Dick like the desert so much that he drove out from Illinois with his dogs to have another go at some gambels. Dick with Emma and her pup Lucky Moving in on a few points Tough country for old men Cactus growing out of a...
  10. W

    I'm just a big softy

    Didn't know where to put this but since roadrunners are a predator, here goes---- A few weeks ago a roadrunner showed up in my back yard with a broken right leg. He could barely get around. I tried to feed him then but he didn't take it and then disappeared for a couple of weeks. Well, he's...
  11. W

    A walk in the desert

    My friend Steve and I went out for a last hunt before he has to return to his home in NoCal. We went to a different area than we had been hunting. The desert has many variations and our first walk was in an area that was covered with volcanic rocks of various sizes Like walking on a field of...
  12. W

    Air shotgun?? Not as much fun as air guitar!

    First time ever. Went hunting and left my gun behind. I had emptied the car to clean it and just forgot to pick the gun up. Oh well, had a nice hike following Steve around. Saw some nice country Had time to look at some old machinery and wonder what it was doing out here in the desert Steve...
  13. W

    Honey hole

    My friend Steve and I went out for a few hours and had a pretty good hunt within 40 miles of home. He's out there somewhere. I even managed to pick up a couple. I'm old and slow and gave up before he got into the big 35 bird covey. Typical terrain. Dogs went over 13 miles Hot dogs
  14. W

    AZ quail

    My friend Steve has come down from northern CA for his annual quail foray into the desert som we headed out north of Wickenburg to see if we could find a few. There has been a small amount of greenup, we have recieved about an inch of rain in the last six weeks. Beautiful day, about 60* with a...
  15. W

    Armed hiking

    All kitted out and rarin' to get after some quail. I had scouted this area before the season and saw a couple of covies. Thousands and thousands of acres of good quail cover except that it has been a dry year (again) so chick production is down. It rained some last week and smoothed out the...
  16. W

    One bird blues

    Finally cooled down into the high 70s here so spent a couple of hours looking for gambels. This far from the car and no hole in the fence, guess I'll have to crawl under. Too fat to climb over. No fruit on the prickly pear, there should be some this time of the year. Bad sign. Saw a quail...
  17. W

    AZ doves

    Been out several times with very mixed results. A lot of the stock ponds we hunt are dry and there just doesn't seem to be as many doves around this year. Limit one hunt, skunked the next, three or four birds another day. Oh well, that's why it's called hunting. Opened here at a local stock...
  18. W

    NoCal trout

    Joined a friend of mine at Lake Davis, near Quincy Ca last monday and did a little fly fishing for the Eagle Lake strain of trout that was introduced into the lake. A number of years ago someone put Northern Pike into the lake and that resulted in a loss of a good trout fishery. The lake was...
  19. W

    Scratch one off the bucket list

    Having read about the trout fishing on the Colorado river below Lake Powell for years I decided to link up with high school buddy Dr Lee Wickstrom who was vacationing in Flagstaff and hire a guide and give it a go. Lee's Ferry launch ramp with various tour boats/rafts getting ready to shove...
  20. W

    It's that time of the year

    Late April is when I usually start to see quail chicks emerge and here they are. Small brood--5 chicks Time for a drink Time to boogie--they don't stick around very long
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