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you have got to see this one.


New member
Dec 8, 2004
New Brunswick Canada
You have to read this story and look at the photos attached. Can anyone confirm that this it true?

This may be a first...

A couple from Montana were out riding on the range, he with his
rifle and she (fortunately) with her camera. Their dogs always
followed them, but on this occasion a Mountain Lion decided that he
wanted to stalk the dogs (you'll see the dogs in the background
watching). Very, very bad decision...

The hunter got off the mule with his rifle and decided to shoot in
the air to scare away the lion, but before he could get off a shot
the lion charged in and decided he wanted a piece of those dogs. With

that, the mule took off and decided he wanted a piece of that lion.
That's when all hell broke loose... for the lion.

As the lion approached the dogs the mule snatched him up by the tail
and started whirling him around. Banging its head on the ground on
every pass. Then he dropped it, stomped on it and held it to the
ground by the throat. The mule then got down on his knees and bit the
thing all over a couple of dozen times to make sure it was dead, than
whipped it into the air again, walked back over to the couple (that
were stunned in silence) and stood there ready to continue his
ride... as if nothing had just happened.
Fortunately even though the hunter didn't get off a shot, his wife
got off these 4 photos...




This has been out for a few years I believe it was found that the cat was already dead in the photo sequence but I cant remember for sure.
I just found my own answer to my question but still those are cool photos and one bad ass mule.

The Truth:
These pictures and the story about the lion-killing-mule circulated for quite a while on the Internet before Steven Richards got the real story and published it in Western Mule Magazine.

The mule's name is Berry and it belongs to 25-year old Jody Anglin from New Mexico.
Anglin says he enjoys hunting mountain lions and is usually accompanied by a cadre of hunting dogs.
In 1998 he got Berry to assist with the lion hunts.
On the first hunt, Berry was attracted to the carcass of a lion that Anglin had shot and sort of nuzzled it and nibbled at it.
With each new kill, however, Berry got more animated and couldn't wait to get to the dead lions.
The pictures in the eRumor were taken in 2002 or 2003 and show Berry toying with a lion that was already dead, not killing it.
Someone along the way created the story about the Montana couple, the stalking lion, and the fanciful descriptions of the pictures.

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