Wyoming G/H Genetics/Age


Active member
Nov 19, 2019
How old do you think a G/H buck has to be to be a 185"+ deer? Under normal conditions. Can he get there at 5?
A few years ago when numbers were better I used to mess around on the winter range between Pinedale, Piney, and Farson now and then. I worked out there quite a bit as well. About 1/25 bucks would be something like 170-180 (gross) class deer. Over that was extremely rare.
Maybe a better question is when do you think a G/H buck is in his prime?
Certainly most had the 4+ look, but I didn’t keep specific notes or anything.
The does were in really good shape going into this winter so if the winter continues to be mild we'll see some strong fawns. Those male fawns should be throwing some impressive racks in a few years.
I have taken five deer over 180" in region H, I have lab ages on all but one of them.
197" - 8.5 yrs
197" - 6.5 yrs
183" - 5.5 yrs
181" - 3.5 yrs

Anyway, to answer your question, yes I think a 5 YO deer can get to 185". Do all 5 YO deer get to 185"? probably not, but I would be interested to know what percentage do.
This would be a good time to talk about bell curves and expansion phenotypes, but I don't have all the information or energy to find it.
Better off just looking at historical winter data and try to time a hunt base in two consecutive years of good/fair weather and add three or four years
I have taken five deer over 180" in region H, I have lab ages on all but one of them.
197" - 8.5 yrs
197" - 6.5 yrs
183" - 5.5 yrs
181" - 3.5 yrs

Anyway, to answer your question, yes I think a 5 YO deer can get to 185". Do all 5 YO deer get to 185"? probably not, but I would be interested to know what percentage do.
Do you need a hunting partner? lol
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