Wyo speed goats


Active member
Feb 12, 2006
Unfortunately it looks like tags were severely cut in most Central-South Central Wyo speed goat units but on the bright side if you are one of the lucky few to draw there ought to be relatively fewer but decent bucks available with fewer hunters in the field (both doe and buck hunters).

I would be curious if anyone has noticed how horn growth looks like so far this year? From what I've seen Central Wyo has had several relatively mild winters and good moisture this spring/early summer that ought to produce some decent horn growth. Hopefully Wyo has another mild winter and decent fawn recruitment so the WG&F offers more tags in 2015.
I hope to provide a report by the time I my tag is notched.

The popularity of Wyoming antelope hunting is surely as high as I have ever seen it. I remember drawing some of the supposed "top ten" units every other year and not thinking it was a great feat. Drew one unit three years in a row. Now, you are lucky to draw that unit every five years, even in the special draw.

Oh well, an average unit in Wyoming is still better than the best units in my home state of Montana. I'll take average units every year, so long as I'm able to hunt them.

Last time Uncle Larry and I hunted SW Wyoming, it was more fun that I could have ever asked for. Every day is an absolute comedy act with him. I am thinking I might leave the cameras behind on that hunt and reward myself with one "hunt for the joy of hunting."

Back to your point, if anyone has reports, post them up. My friends in Rawlins and Green River have told me it is looking really good for this year. Which if their reports are accurate, is a good thing, given pronghorn only have about 4-5 more weeks of horn growth left and as green as it is now, it should end up to be a good season.
I too will be able to report in once I'm out there. Last year was pretty good but I did notice the animals had moved into different areas than previous years. Tags were massively cut in the area I've been hunting so hopefully the animals bounce back soon. I thought we saw more animals in 2013 in our unit than we did in 2012 by quite a bit but they were just further away from the roads.

I'll be taking my 5 year old on his 2nd antelope hunt this fall. He's pronounced himself ready by telling me he's wiping his own backside now like a big boy. Hoping that I don't have to pack him through snow drifts this year and I don't have to wrap him up like a burrito to glass. He did spot quite a few animals last year which surprised all the adults and he never complained once. I've got some great photos from last year saved somewhere that I'll post soon as I can find them again.

Antelope hunting is definitely a great way to get new hunters excited with lots of action and plenty of game to spot.
I think horn growth is as good as I've seen it in the last 6 or 7 years. I spent most of Wednesday in unit 57 and saw 3 bucks that would book (gross) right now. I wasn't even looking as I was supposed to be working.

Serves me right that it's a good growth year as this is the first in 7 that I couldn't even draw a 2nd choice tag. I can't complain as we've had a pretty good run on some great bucks the last few years.

Good luck to those that drew!

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