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Wyo elk or antelope partner

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Giving free advice isn't expecting compensation as a condition of getting that advice.

Jims isn't offering anything for free, his use of a strangers points is a condition of any advice, information, etc. that he is willing to share.

What you described is not even close to the same thing.
(v) “Guide Services” means for hire or remuneration, accompanying and providing assistance of any kind to a hunter in the field relating to the taking of any big or trophy game animal.

I think jims hasn't said that he would actually accompany the other hunter in the field. Seems like he just plans on doing the party app, both of them drawing their tags and then sharing information with the other hunter and calling it good. I think he gets away with it on that technicality.

If he was actually in the field hunting with the hunter he bartered his knowledge for their points with then I think that would be a violation.
Read his post...he's offering to accompany the hunter and HAS done so in the past by his own admission.
I would be willing to pass along all research, scouting, and hunting info...and possibly join you on the hunt.

I guess I read possibly and immediately discount it as something that probably isn't going to happen.

If he accompanies the hunter in the field I think it would pass from being a grey area to being a pretty cut and dried violation.
Good grief! If I had eight points (which I don't, as I could not care less about antlers), I would take him up on his offer. Think what you like, but Jim is a very knowledgeable, experienced hunter that has killed more good animals than many on this site.

I have never seen so much whining over something that is not illegal. Everyone has their opinions, but unless Wyoming changes the regs, then leave it at that. The way some here are trying to define the outfitter thing, I could not even go hunting with my Wyoming friends, as it would be illegal if I paid them by giving them some elk meat.

Give it a rest.
Interesting thread, and very enlightening.

Jims better enjoy this next season I have a feeling this is going to change by this time next year
What's up Topgun, suddenly so quiet....

What's's up with you? I've been out running the dog and moving snow and am not on this website 24/7! Would you like to know whether I wear boxers or briefs too? I've said all I need to say on this thread and if a poll was taken it appears that my feelings on how the PP system is run is shared by the vast majority of NRs or there would have been enough griping to the G&F to have changed it since it's been this way for ten years since it's inception. I'm not going to debate BuzzH and his BS because he's always right about anything being discussed---just ask him, LOL! I do take offense to the outright threat he made on this thread to me that he'll have this averaging system changed through his contacts and us NRs won't even know about it. In fact, a letter will be going out to Director Talbot ASAP regarding this PP averaging discussion and I would ask any of the other NRs that agree with the present system to do the same and get ahead of any thing that may come down the pipe thanks to our good buddy BuzzH!
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Interesting thread. I can see both sides of the coin, but if it's legal I see no problem with it. That's what's wrong with this country this day and age...people wanting to tell other people what they should and shouldn't be doing, instead of minding their own business. I would rather allow people to play within the rules, even if I felt they were "cheating the system", than to mess it up for everyone else.

For me personally, I do have WY points and I feel that I should be able to chose how I would like to use them. I would never use them to do what the original poster is requesting, but if someone wants to go that route, it's their choice.

I hope that point sharing is allowed in the future. I would love nothing more than to keep accumulating points until my 5 year old son is old enough to hunt with me. I would gladly split them with him to give him the opportunity to go on a hunt that might otherwise be unattainable for him with point creep. I would be very upset, if someone tried to take that opportunity away from me, because they thought they new better than I how I should use my points.

Excellent post and that sentence in bold is more than true and why this country is going to hell in a handbasket!
The way some here are trying to define the outfitter thing, I could not even go hunting with my Wyoming friends, as it would be illegal if I paid them by giving them some elk meat.

Nope, not the same issue...gifting elk meat is not illegal. However, selling it is.
Buzz, I took my son hunting this year after drawing a tag using point averaging. I filled my truck up with gas before heading out on the trip. I assisted my son deciding which unit to apply for the tag and harvesting an animal. Sounds like I was a guide and that hunt was illegal! You are one funny little man!

The last time I checked on this website there are literally hundreds of posts from guys offering advice on units and areas to hunt in units throughout Wyoming and the West. One of the categories on this website is "Looking for hunting partner". Most websites have categories where hunters advertise "Swap hunts". How many guys on this website have taken a friend from another state hunting? It seems pretty common to me?

Buzz, I think it's time you took a deep breath?

Like I already said, you'll justify anything, even a potential violation of State law, to get what you want. Poachers justify their actions as well.

Its not me you'll have to answer to for soliciting points from strangers, via advertising on hunting forums, in exchange for guiding them.

I'm just pointing out the laws...

If you feel jumping in front of others, with no concern for anyone but yourself, is worth a potential violation...knock yourself out.
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Thanks Buzz for the heads up and for caring so much about me! I'm no guide but I sure like to hunt and enjoy the company of other hunters!

First of all, in case you weren't aware, the Wildlife in Wyoming is held in trust for the citizens of the State of Wyoming. The only reason that NR's are allowed to hunt WY's wildlife is because the States citizens are gracious enough to allow guys like you to do so. The same way that I'm allowed to apply and hunt for wildlife in your home State of Utah or the 49 other states that I'm a NR in. The Residents of those states are not required to even allow me any opportunity at THEIR wildlife and I'm grateful for any opportunity those states are willing to give me.

Ha! Why don't you revoke NR's hunting privileges for a year to illustrate your point....oh that's right, that'd be next to IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!

Thanks for the laugh. Clown.

As a side note, I completely disagree with the OP's methods. However, this statement just was too much.
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Non resident.

Buzz is the epitome of what we want in a wildlife advocate. He cares.

To demonize Buzz, for showing up an unethical hunter, not illegal, is stupid!

I do not know Buzz. probably like him, but not sure. He is too dam feisty.

But as was stated by his opponents, he is usually right.

I, myself, have seen this loophole. Not ETHICAL. Forget the legality.

I really thought better of the hunters on this forum.

Thank you.
I wish Fin would just start locking these threads.

Hypocrite and tattle tale central around here. Making us all look bad and like a bunch of bitc**s.

You guys would all be very surprised by those (in this thread) that have sent me PM's asking how many Wyoming points I have and if I would party up with them.
I wish Fin would just start locking these threads.

Hypocrite and tattle tale central around here. Making us all look bad and like a bunch of bitc**s.

You guys would all be very surprised by those (in this thread) that have sent me PM's asking how many Wyoming points I have and if I would party up with them.

Good idea. Enough has been hashed out here.

It is now locked.
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