WY region D no doe tags

can't sustain a doe harvest. they're trying to bring those deer numbers up i believe... or probably more accurately, keep them from plummetting.
i could be wrong. that's definitely the situation i believe in the north platte valley where there are no general tags.
There are doe whitetail tags available for units in D. I don’t recall there being doe mule deer tags for years - definitely not in the units near Casper at least.
The only doe tags were issued for whitetail deer in unit 88. That herd got hit by the midge fly last year. We went to the area where whitetail frequent and only saw 5 mulie doe.

W and G warden for the unit said the whitetail deer herd is very low for those hunting walk in and public land.
The only doe tags were issued for whitetail deer in unit 88. That herd got hit by the midge fly last year. We went to the area where whitetail frequent and only saw 5 mulie doe.

W and G warden for the unit said the whitetail deer herd is very low for those hunting walk in and public land.

Plenty more than just 88.
Quite frankly TOGIE the WG&F is not trying to bolster mule deer numbers in D or anywhere in SE/SC Wyoming. Right now they are set on trying to lower CWD prevalence by just about any means possible and that includes reducing the population.
Quite frankly TOGIE the WG&F is not trying to bolster mule deer numbers in D or anywhere in SE/SC Wyoming. Right now they are set on trying to lower CWD prevalence by just about any means possible and that includes reducing the population.

hard to drop populations without doe tags honestly. i'm not saying they don't want to, cause i don't know, but they won't have much success reducing density till they start handing out the doe mule deer tags. i know of like one unit with them down there, otherwise they aren't availabl.
You need to see their plan for reducing prevalence, sad but mainly trying to target mature bucks and I agree doe harvest is the only way to reduce overall population.
They feel with just enough bucks to get the job done they can have a lower population with less CWD.

Your point is well taken though but they are not trying to boost populations right now. They made that clear at the meetings.
hard to drop populations without doe tags honestly. i'm not saying they don't want to, cause i don't know, but they won't have much success reducing density till they start handing out the doe mule deer tags. i know of like one unit with them down there, otherwise they aren't availabl.
Not when they believe bucks are the problem and more likely to spread CWD.

I think its a measured approach, kill off the bucks first then after nobody can find a buck to shoot, start issuing doe tags next.

When no deer exist, then CWD prevalence will be low.

I see nothing but horrific deer hunting in this part of Wyoming for the rest of the my life. Might be able to cash in the first couple years before everything is gone, after that, its grim.

I'm still not convinced the current GF plan is all about CWD prevalence. If it was, they should be issuing hundreds of doe tags to reduce the population...its not like does don't get CWD.

Its a total mess and they have no idea if any of their agenda is going to do anything positive for mule deer in regard to CWD.
Not when they believe bucks are the problem and more likely to spread CWD.

I think its a measured approach, kill off the bucks first then after nobody can find a buck to shoot, start issuing doe tags next.

When no deer exist, then CWD prevalence will be low.

I see nothing but horrific deer hunting in this part of Wyoming for the rest of the my life. Might be able to cash in the first couple years before everything is gone, after that, its grim.

held a 79 buck tag once. didn't give myself ample time to hunt it honestly, like at all. bad planning and decsion making on my part. but i was honestly suprised at how hard it was to turn up public land bucks.

saw a brief glimpse of a decntly big one down low on the blm. spent two of my entire three days trying to find him. ultimately shot a white tail on private on my last evening to hunt.
My son and I were just out elk hunting west of D and I saw no bucks and maybe 10 does in the 8 days we scouted/hunted elk. Saw 1 doe and 1 2 pt muley hanging in a camp and another quartered animal in a different camp. We did find our elk though. We will have 5 points for deer and antelope after this year. Not sure if I am wasting money on the deer though. I know there are other parts of the state I am just very familiar with this area and 18+ hour drives make it difficult to scout other areas.

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