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Dec 27, 2003
Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada
World Hunting Association set to make debut this fall
6/6/2006, 3:17 p.m. ET
The Associated Press

DETROIT (AP) — First bass fishing became a competitive sport and now hunting is about to become one, too.

The World Hunting Association announced its plans Tuesday to create a competitive hunting tour around the world, with the 2006 inaugural season beginning this fall in Gladwin, Mich., at the Lost Arrow Ranch.

David Farbman, a real estate executive and hunter, is the WHA's founder, commissioner and CEO. Farbman and a group of investors are funding the initiative, which boasts more than $500,000 in prize money for the first two tournaments.

"The WHA fills a void by providing a platform that benefits the entire international hunting industry today and for generations to come," Farbman said in a statement.

Hunters will shoot white-tail deer and other game with tranquilizers, which should not kill the animals.

"For far too long, hunters have looked forward to the day when we would eventually get our own professional sports league," WHA hunter Brett Hankins said in a statement. "Well, that time has arrived and we are extremely excited."

See their website here:

|oo :eek:
I saw this on another site. What a flippin joke. Have yet to read a positive remark about this bonehead idea. :rolleyes:

"Hey let's trophy hunt with tranquilizer darts on a high fence ranch, put it on tv, and call it hunting. I bet that will make hunting look really appealing to the non-hunting public." |oo
Yeah we need to boycott them. Anything that has their trademark or brand on it we need to burn!

More seriously that just makes us look absolutely ridiculous.
It will aid the proliferation of game farms, and give the general public, the wrong impression about hunting and what hunting, has and does stand for.
How can that be good for hunting in general?
mo money...that's what's proliferating pen hunts, exhorbitant fees, & high dollar gear mania. How different is this than the guy who pays thousands to shoot a 400+ multi-hunter called triangulated bull while being videoed with mossy oak shilling every 90 seconds up to the money shot...& not a dart either? Yep, the 'dart contest' is pure b.s. but so are a lot of the other 'hunting productions' these days.
I'm seeing this on a lot of different websites now. I've seen lots of ideas in the hunting industry. This is a bad one in my opinion.

This is one of those things that I think has come from people getting confused about what record books are for. They are to honor the animal and the hunt and a means of recording history. It's not supposed to be for bragging rights. These people clearly forgot that hunting is not about the take and kill. This type of "professional sports league" is not needed.

Ok, for you folks, that may or may not be aware of the risks involved in darting animals its not as safe as one may think judging from my personal experience in darting various types of exotics and whitetails. I've used a lot of different things when darting over the years and have yet to run across anything that is legal in the US that is 100% safe. The safest drugs to use are not legal here. Even with the best ones, in the event the animal dies, it may not be safe to eat the meat. Some of these drugs stay present in the body for 60-90 days.

Yes, you can dart animals safely but I only do it when I have a sick animal that I have to take care of or in certain circumstances where an animal needs to be transported to another place. Sometimes its the only option and its either that or the animal may die anyway. I've done it to try to help the animal. Not to knock it down to see how big it is and let it go. It can take quite a while for some of these drugs to wear off and the effects could leave the animal open to easier attack from natural predators.

Also, what's to keep some of these animals from being darted multiple times?

Have you seen who sponsors these guys? I'm emailing a few of them myself and stating my opinion of this.
Looks like these guys have decided to remove their sponsorship.

Also I have heard that Pneu Dart is not going to sponsor them.

But, unfortunately G5 Outdoors has not told me anything in response to emails so I don't know if they are still sponsoring them or not. If they are, I'm going to have to find a new broadhead to use.
G5 Outdoors

I just recieved this email back from G5 Outdoors
Hello Steve and Diana,

Thank you for your e-mail. We at G5 outdoors are very interested in your concerns. As of 4:00 p.m. on June 12, 2006 we have withdrawn our support and sponsorship of the WHA. Our only intent was to grow archery. This is clearly not happening. Please explain to your friends and fellow hunters that G5 in no way intended to offend anyone and that we have listened to your voice. Thanks again for your correspondence.

Peter Crawford
National Sales Manager
G5 Outdoors
What a total joke!! I can't believe it's made it this far, and they actually think that sportsman everywhere are really excited about this.

I hope this big name companies keep removing their sponserships!
Again, crazy as hell. I worked with a guy last week who was wearing a WHA ball cap. I asked about the cap and if he hunted. We talked alot during the day about hunting and such. I think I need to let him know what WHA is up too.
I sent an email to David King from Hunting Illustrated. I don't know what anybody elses opinion of the magazine is but generally they don't shy away from tough topics. He has a lot of connections and finds out some good stuff. Anyway go to and ask him to do a report on it. This might be a way we could force them to lose all of their sponsorship. I am thinking about contacting Mike Eastman and asking him to write against it in his magazines. Don't know if that will work but any feedback on good publishers to contact would be nice.
Some people never cease to amaze me. I can't belive someone would have that much disrespect for animals just to make a dime. $10 bucks to the one that puts a dart in his azz or anyone promoting this.

Safari Club International speaks out against World Hunting Association

After thousands of hunters from all over North America have flooded the World Hunting Association and sponsors with protest letters which have caused sponsors to pull their support for the W.H.A.

Now it's the reputable Safari Club International to follow suit and voice their opinion against the World Hunting Association. That is very good news for all ethical hunters and could very well be the last nail in the proverbial coffin for the World Hunting Association. Lets hope so!
SCI Questions Concept of "World Hunting Association

The "World Hunting Association" last week announced that it would stage a series of "tournament" professional hunting events this year, in which the game pursued would be shot with tranquilizer darts launched from bow hunting equipment. Participants would compete for much as $600,000 in prize money over the series of tournament events. SCI has serious concerns with attempts to "professionalize" the tradition of the hunt, particularly with cash rewards. In addition, the institution of "catch and release" tactics for hunting, using powerful sedatives, is highly questionable with regard to the future health of the game animals that are captured for the competition. While the group espouses the noble goals of increasing hunter recruitment and retention, SCI believes that education and outreach programs remain the best option for bring newcomers into the field. Likewise, SCI believes that conventional regulated hunting techniques, including due diligence on the part of hunters to prevent the wounding of game, are the only true definition of hunting. SCI President Mike Simpson told Crosshairs that "Hunting isn't bass fishing. It just doesn't translate to made-for-TV entertainment, conducted on a professional catch-and-release basis for cash rewards."
U.S Sportsmen's Alliance, Boone and Crocket, and Pope and Young speak against Word Hunting Association

Another quick update on the World Hunting Association saga.

The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance has just released a statement blasting the World Hunting Association.

USSA Statement on New Tournament Hunting Organization
A new tournament hunting organization has been announced, the World Hunting Organization. It will outfit tournament participants with tranquilizing drugs and darting equipment. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance has concerns about:

The potential for misuse of dangerous drugs by lay people,
The potential for their misuse in the case of unrecovered animals,
Their impact on non-target species who might feed on carcasses,
The scattering in the field of syringes that could be found by children,

A competition that treats wildlife solely as a commercial commodity.
There appear to be a number of legal issues to be overcome (IE. the distribution to participants of drugs tightly controlled by the Food and Drug Administration).
The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance will have no part of the organization.
Pope and Young speaks against Word Hunting Association

The blows against the World Hunting Association keep coming from all directions. I wouldn't be surprised if David S. Farbman, CEO and founder of the W.H.A. is soon to realize that his great money making dream is not welcome by the hunters and the hunting organizations and turns into a nightmare for him.

After thousands of hunters have flooded the W.H.A. and their sponsors with outraged letters and emails over the plans to turn hunting in a competiton sport by shooting at penned animals with tranquilizer guns all but one sponsor pulled their support of the W.H.A.

But that was only the beginning, the infantry if you will. Then the artillery pulled up. Beginning with the Safari Club Internationl (SCI) who on June 14, 2006 released a press statement, saying that the do not aprove of the moral and ethics of the W.H.A. and their plans to turn hunting into a NASCAR like spectator sport for prize money.
Now, only two days later, the reputable Pope and Young Club had this to say against the W.H.A.

Pope and Young Nixes Proposed "Hunt" Tournament

A recent announcement by the World Hunting Association has raised significant concerns within the Pope and Young Club. According to WHA publicity releases, a televised tournament series featuring “professional hunters” is slated for broadcast this coming fall. Competitors reportedly will seek to tranquilize deer within high-fence game farm properties. Lucrative prizes are to be awarded to individuals collecting the biggest or most captive deer during televised “hunts.” Both bows and firearms will be used to deliver the tranquilizing agents.

“Hunting is not a ‘catch and release’ proposition,” said P&Y President M. R. James. “Nor is it intended to be an entertaining public spectacle. The Pope and Young Club certainly does not want its organization identified with this type of commercial endeavor, either directly or indirectly. That includes any reference to P&Y-class animals or the use of our measuring system to determine the score of captive deer. This idea flies in the face of the ethical, Fair Chase bowhunting challenges our organization embraces.”

Noting that the Pope and Young Club does not accept any captive animals as record book entries, Executive Secretary Kevin Hisey added: “The idea that this concept is just plain wrong goes well beyond the issue of game farms and high fences. Many responsible hunters will view it as an affront to the values, principles, and integrity of hunting so many hold dear.”
The Boone and Crockett Club

The Boone and Crockett Club does not support the WHA in what they are doing as it violates our basic positions on fair chase and ethical hunting.

Thank you for your thoughtful inquiry.


A press statement is soon to be expected from the Boone and Crockett Club in this regard. Daily more and more Outdoor and Hunting Clubs and Association but also hunting publication speak out against the World Hunting Association and I think that is a very good thing. The sooner this outrages and highly unethical company is sent back into oblivion the better for all of us.

Sounds like a pretty good kick in the nuts there to Forbman or whatever his name is. Hope he likes having no money to hand out because he doesn't have any sponsors.
Got this from
There is some other good reading there as well, but this one caught my eye.

Conspiracy Theory: ESPN Poll on Dart-Gun Hunt Tour
ESPN Outdoors has this poll up on its website:

A new sports league has designs on deer hunting as a competition, using tranquilizer darts. Are you in favor?

As of 2:50 this afternoon 3,398 poeple had voted and the results were shocking: 56% voted YES and supported the tour; 44% were against it.

Conspiracy theories are flying, that the WHA has somehow rigged the voting. A guy at, a site for traditional archers, posted this:

"Just wrote this to ESPN's technical website support...I wanted you to be aware that your website has apparently been hacked. I am referring to the hunting poll for the so-called "World Hunting Organization's" tranquilizer hunting scheme. Please remove the poll or have it monitored...for every "no vote", someone has written an automated script on a server to automatically submit multiple "yes" votes, therefore tipping the balance of the poll. This scheme of so-called "hunting" has produced such an uproar in the true hunting community that tons of sponsors are now facing professional boycotts from numerous organizations and individuals. Your prompt attention to this matter is truly appreciated.”

Considering how 100% of us ZONERS think the WTT (World Tranquilizer Tour, my new name for it) is a joke, considering that many of the tour's sponsors have quit and are running for the hills, considering that Cabela's and other giants in the industry will have nothing to do with it, it is mind-boggling to me that 56% would support the pro hunt league. I don’t know about a conspiracy, but get your butt over there and vote! Scroll all way down the screen, the poll is on the bottom right.

UPDATE Tuesday June 13, 9:17 PM

Never blow off a conspiracy theory again! This WTDHT--World Tranquilizer Deer Hunting Tour--story keeps getting weirder and weirder. The tech folks at have pulled the poll. They said it was pretty obvious that something nefarious was afoot--the votes came in at far too fast a rate, unlike they've ever experienced before. The last word I just got was that the ESPN poll was definitely hacked! We were right all along at the ZONE, no way hunters would back a pro-dart tour. More to come later on this whole fiasco.
WHA Update

This guy is not going to give up or go away any time soon.
Fellow hunters...we need to stop this thing in it's tracks.

OPEN LETTER TO ALL HUNTERS - “A shot in the Arm”

You could say many things about David Faberman, the CEO of the World Hunting Association, but lack in self-confidence is not one of them. Faberman published an open letter to all hunters on his website. An attempt to extinguish the fire of fury he created with the announcement to launch his concept of competitive game shooting with tranquilizer guns and arrows. To me it looks like he just added some more fuel to the fire with that letter.

Having received thousands of letters from angry hunters that caused his sponsors to pull out of his high fence live target shooting plans. He now feels that he has to justify his great idea and add a little patronizing to it. He writes; “Let’s face it, our sport could use a shot in the arm…It’s time to improve that image and show the world the complexity, skill and strategy that is the core of hunting.”

I like the “shot in the arm” bit. Did he intend the pun? Beats me how he wants to “improve” the image of hunting. How? By shooting tranquilizer drugs at penned animals and then having them scored and flashing a big cardboard check for x-thousand dollars in front of the camera. I can see it now how PETA and other such organizations endorse that type of sport as “ethical” treatment of animals.

Faberman also believes that his competition sport game-chasing endeavor will have a positive impact on game conservation, disease control and other “valuable scientific impacts.” No he is not kidding. That seems what he truly believes. I guess it would be like doing research on livestock like cows, that is what penned game is, and then use that data for wild living bison. He also says that Licensed Veterinarians will do blood samples on the bucks and then mark them so that they will not be shot with drugs twice in a competition. Tranquilizing wild animals is a very dodgy affair. Every veterinarian will tell you, to get the dose right you have to know the age, weight and general health and physical condition of the animal. That is not possible with wild animals, unless they are tame, and thus the fatality “overdosing” is quit high.

For me there is also another issue with that sort of sport. Animals suffer high stress in tranquilized condition. Remember they are not knocked out cold and sleep. Tranquilized animals are fully conscious and aware they just can’t move or feel pain. Next to overdosing the stress is what kills a lot of so treated animals. I imagine the stress level could be even higher for the animal with all the hoopla of high fifing, hollering, cameras and light around them.

The letter ends with; “Now is the time for all hunters to stand together, shoulder to shoulder. While new ideas and change can sometimes be uncomfortable, this is a great opportunity for hunters to elevate the sport, clear up misconceptions and expand the next generation of hunters.”

It is just me that thinks Faberman is a tad patronizing in the last paragraph? “While new ideas and change can sometimes be uncomfortable…” Why does he think real hunters are uncomfortable with his new idea? Has he not read the letters and emails he’s gotten from highly concerned outdoors enthusiasts? Could it be that we have every reason to be uncomfortable with the idea that the hunting heritage is to be turned into a spectator’s sport like tennis or baseball? You bet I am uncomfortable with it and so are thousands of other hunters judging from what we have heard.

I am not sure at all how Faberman thinks that his sport “hunting”- big money paying -using game animals as live targets and dope them up to their eyeballs possible could clear up “misconceptions” about hunting let alone “elevate the sport”.

I do not know Faberman personally and have no desire to remedy that fact. But I do know that he has absolutely not the foggiest idea what the spirit and the heritage of hunting is. Neither does he know what stirs deep down in our soul when we enter the great outdoors and follow our natural instinct that has been with us from the time of the beginning.

Faberman welcomes hunter’s feedback and suggestions, he says, to build his “sport hunting tour”. Please write him and let him know how you think about his ideas and plans: [email protected]

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