Workers Comp?


New member
Jul 9, 2012
North Phoenix Az.
How does it work? Never been on it I My 57 years, but looks like I got some time coming. How long Do You have to be off work to collect? I heard 5 days. I got a feeling I will Be off 2-4 months. There is a 6 week wait to get surgery then the 2-4 month or more recovery and rehab. And I was told You get 66% of your pay . Is that Gross, or net . I got an MRI the other day on left shoulder and got 3 tears in Rotater Cuff, Bycepps Tendon is tearing and Labrum is tearing or torn. Doc talked so fast on phone I hope I got it all straight. To get started with Surgeon I need a claim # from work comp. Of course Our safety man at work was off today so I couldn't get the ball rolling. I reported the injury 2 months ago to him so He's got all the paper work. Of course all the management is off for Xmass but, us Drivers in the oil field are working 24-7. What sucks I am left handed and its My left shoulder. Another Guy just had it done but not as bad and He isn't going the Comp route. Any info appreciated.........BOB!
Bob it varies from State to State. Usually it takes a few weeks for the paper work to get through from the doctors to the state and your employer. Good question on Gross vs. net. I was on WC many years ago for a dislocated shoulder that I got on the job and I was stunned at tax time to realize that it was taxable and I owed 25% of it back in Federal Income tax. (Washington State). Good luck and I hope it heals quickly for you.
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Back in August, I had to have a quadruple by-pass.
3 months off work.
This advice is for California.

Go on the internet, find your state disability web site and stare a claim NOW (don’t wait).

Print out the claim information and give it to your doctor, they will submit the information to the state.
I got about 66% of my take home pay.
It took 4 or 5 weeks to get the debit card, so figure out NOW how your family can stay alive for a month without any income.
(that’s how they pay you, with a freaking debit card, not a check)
They don’t pay you for the first week, then money is auto deposited to the debit card every two weeks.
*Remember, the people who work for the state are not always the brightest bulbs, expect to have to deal with morons.(remember this at all times).
When you go back to work, let the state know right away, or they will keep paying you for a few weeks, then figure it out and accuse you of a crime.
Document everything, in fact start a file right now, and keep every document, file and communication in it.
Write down everything, names, times, what happened, so if you need to deal with them, you can overwhelm them with facts.
Go on Amazon and find every paperback book you ever wanted to read and order them.
I read 15 books, it is what keep me sane.
Be nice to your boss, no matter what the law says, you could go back and find somebody else doing your old job, and your new job is cleaning the bathrooms.
unfortunately, know about this. but I'm in Illinois. the 66% is not taxed. that's what you get. they go from the previous 12 months to get your average, and then you get the 66%. before you get the surgery, make sure you are covered by WC. they will screw with you every chance they get. time off. at least 5 days. then you will start getting checks on a weekly basis from WC. get them until you are released to go back from to work. keep track of your mileage when you go back and forth to doc appointments. you get paid for that. also, if you spend any money out of your pocket for meds, keep the receipts. get reimbursed for those, also.

the fun begins when you get ready to settle. know 2 guys who have been on for this. average settlement, here, was around 30 grand. pain and suffering are not included with WC. you get paid for the injury only. and make sure that when you settle, ALL doctor and hospital bills are covered in your settlement. as well as any medications. these are in addition to your lump sum settlement. try to stay away from attorneys if possible. they take 20%, here, right off the top of your final settlement.
Thanks Guys. The oilfield is in high demand for truck drivers , so I aint to worried about My job when I get well, Just was wondering about the pay on My time off. I think I can work until surgery unless Doc tells. Me different. Thanks again All for the input. I whouldn't get a lawer involved unless they try to screw Me. My wife brother is one in Denver . But We don't talk much. If I have to I will call Him.....BOB!
Caribou Gear

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