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Wolves linked to tree recovery

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
"One point that should not be missed is this is actually great news for the potential recovery of cottonwood trees and mature willows in Yellowstone National Park," Ripple said. "We now have a pretty good idea why they were in decline and the return of wolves should help pave the way for their recovery. Even though it may take a very long time, for a change it looks like we're headed in the right direction."

We're seeing some improvement in riparian zones here in ID. The wolves keep the elk on the move and they're not trashing the streamside habitat as bad. Before long we'll be seeing some improved fisheries. Probably even some better bird hunting for grouse as the aspens come back. Who knows what all the positive effects will be?

Imagine this! "Without fear of wolves, the elk were allowed to browse anywhere they liked for decades, the scientists said. Killing off cottonwoods, willows and other streamside shrubs allowed for increased erosion and effects on birds, insects and other wildlife, they said.

"Before the wolves came back, it was pretty clear that in some areas we were heading toward an outright extinction of cottonwoods," Beschta said."

Maybe some of the anti-wolf crowd here can tell us what's wrong with having better riparian habitat!
Maybe good 'ol Ron Gillett hasn't noticed the improved streamside habitat!

Ron Gillett, a hunting guide and outfitter based in Stanley, Idaho. "They only eat meat and they hunt 365 days a year. The U.S. government dumped these wolves on us, and they're destroying our big-game herds and wildlife.
"If you like wolves, then you don't like wildlife," he said.

Here's more good news!

Wolves bring a surprising ecological recovery to Yellowstone r/

I'll be waiting for the anti -wolf boys to tell us why that's not good!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-01-2003 23:06: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
I bet that drivel filled Boston Globe article just made you feel warm and fuzzy all over, didn't it IT.........
I just got back from Elk Hunting near the same area that Gillett outfits. In the 11 years we have been in that area, we saw more Elk this year, than ever before. And more Mule deer.

Kinda odd, that Gillett struggles to find the Elk, and every ridge had a herd on them...

(I did notice that the main impact of the wolves was to eat all the 6x6 bulls, as for some reason they don't bother the Raghorns, Spikes, Cows, Calves, Bucks, Does, and Fawns...
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