NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Wolves and Politics

JoseCuervo said:
Read his previous posts, the probability of his numbers being accurate is very low.

Bottom line is, the authorities of your state haven't educated the rest of us enough to have an informed opinion. All I see is that they want to kill approx. 43 wolves in the Lolo pass area and have submitted a proposal to the USFWS for permission. I also see this:

"During a state-sponsored Jan. 23-to-Feb. 17 public comment period on the Idaho wolf reduction proposal, more than 42,000 comments from around the world were received. All but 682 were generated by a national campaign by the Defenders of Wildlife, a Washington, D.C. based organization that lobbies on behalf of endangered species. All the e-mails generated by the campaign opposed the Idaho plan."

My #'s were wrong I gave us hunters too much credit!!!!!!

Cuervo, call F&G or do some more do some research.
Excaliber said:
Cuervo, call F&G or do some more do some research.

I am waiting for you to tell me the reason for the Supreme Court to hear this case (and is there even a case?) so I can do the research. It is you that thinks this case has "magnatude" and the Supreme Court will want to hear the case. How come you can't provide the reason the Supreme Court will want to rule against wolves and in favor of fat-assed ATV riders?

It won't go to the S. C.. When Judge Redden hears this case, he will quickly determine that the evil oil hungry Bush Administration walked all over Freudenthal and the state of Wyoming. Wyoming wins....wolf huggers and Bush Adminstration lose.
northeren michigan "hybread"??????

A few years ago a male "hybread" was shot by the dogcatcher down the street from mu folks house stragly enough it was seen in the property (235 acres) we contacted the dnr to see exatly what it was and what we could do about it . dnr had no clue they said it was probebly a coyote . yeah a 225 pounder there is a difference between a wolf and a yoti abou 150 pounds right? Well it turn out that the dnr relesed 17 of them to take care of the rabbitt problem well what about our live stock?
BigHornRam said:

It won't go to the S. C.. When Judge Redden hears this case, he will quickly determine that the evil oil hungry Bush Administration walked all over Freudenthal and the state of Wyoming. Wyoming wins....wolf huggers and Bush Adminstration lose.

Are you the only one in the world that thinks Redden is in the 10th circuit? When was the last time you made an intelligent post?
wsmslinger said:
A few years ago a male "hybread" was shot by the dogcatcher down the street from mu folks house stragly enough it was seen in the property (235 acres) we contacted the dnr to see exatly what it was and what we could do about it . dnr had no clue they said it was probebly a coyote . yeah a 225 pounder there is a difference between a wolf and a yoti abou 150 pounds right? Well it turn out that the dnr relesed 17 of them to take care of the rabbitt problem well what about our live stock?
Slinger, just so I have this right, DNR released 17, 225# hybrid wolves in your neighborhood to control rabbits. How did you find this out? A friend of a friend who knows a gal that used to babysit for a guy that worked the front desk at the DNR office? I hope you make me eat my words when I say I find this hard to believe, but do you have any proof
OK Mr. Legal Eagle you may have me on that one. So when Judge Whoever of Whatever Curcuit listens to the case between Wyoming and the USFWS, what part of Wyomings Management plan will he or she find to be unacceptable and why? Or will the Bush Administration stall the proceedings long enough to get their Extraction Candidate into the Wyoming Governor's mansion?
I guess after reading this entire thread my questions are these: Why do you JoseCuervo, seem to take so much joy in referring to the people of Wyoming as " 6 toed rednecks?" You make that inference several times on this thread and I fail to see the relevance to the discussion or why the remark needs to be made. Does it make you feel superior to others by referring to them in that manner, just because they have a differing point of view from yours?

Why do you consistently point out posters punctuation and grammatical errors? Does it in some way make you think others here on this thread see you as superior in some way because you are better spoken or more correct in your grammar? Most of the threads in which I have seen you become involved, you have quite quickly made remarks such as this rather early in the thread. Does your education in some way make your point of view a more superior view?

My guess, JoseCuervo, is that you are a small man that was most likely picked on while in grade school. You were the last child picked for games while at recess weren't you? You have dreamed of the day in which you could behave as if the pen is mightier than the sword, ie; you hide behind your computer and deride people with views that are different from your own. By responding to many peoples opinions as condescendingly as you do, quite readily identifies you as someone with low self esteem whom without doubt would not have the juevos to make remarks such as yours in person.

I truly hope that the remarks made with sarcasm you make give your self esteem a boost when you are staring at yourself in the mirror in the morning.

That being said, I believe that wolves will never be truly managed properly to see our game herds at the levels they were ten years ago. And we have all lost something because of them.
nicely said carbon archer i agree
i'm still not as nice as you are or well spoken to someone hiding behind a false nationality and name.
"jose la chinga da maudra cularow" he dosn't know what that meens.
if he was mexican he would really be pissed.
that is "jose" go f$%& your mother a$$ hole"
carbon, you have unintentionally made Gunner's day. You will learn to realize it would be beneath him to respond.;)
Carbonarcher, you need to realize that somebody has a fun time getting people riled up. When you realize that, you won't get riled up. You actually might get a kick out of it.
I believe that wolves will never be truly managed properly to see our game herds at the levels they were ten years ago. And we have all lost something because of them.
Don't you think you're simplying things a little? I'm curious as to what you think we've all lost, and what herds of what animals 10 years ago are worse off than today because of wolves? Do you think it's just wolves? Granted, they've had a real impact in some areas on some animals. But the sky really isn't falling. It would be damn nice if Wyoming would get on board so there wasn't a gridlock on this.
Greenhorn and nhy, something you should both realize about me is that it takes much more than someone like JoseCuervo, or gunner or whomever his computer allows him to be today, to get me riled up. Belittling people shows a lack of imagination, and if you guys get a kick out of watching him treat people that way for his own amusement, than so be it. But it kind of reminds me of the time when I was a little kid pulling the legs off of Daddy long legs, and my father said to me, how would you feel if someone did that to you?

Now to your point greenhorn, have you tried to apply for a Gardner late hunt yet this year? And yes for that hunt at least it is pretty much "just wolves."
Carbonarcher, I couldn't draw that even 10 years ago when there were way more tags and twice as many elk in the park as there should have been. I hunt elk (with friends) there every winter though. Back in 95-96 did you ever look at the condition of the range on the Dome Mtn WMA? Take a look at it now. And take a look at the quality of bulls there now. Those are almost entirely park elk anyway, mostly from Wyoming. No doubt wolves are nailing the herd in the park, not necessarily by numbers, but by the fawn recruitment. Moose around Yellowstone are taking it in the shorts too, not just wolves though. Hard to argue they were the last straw though grizzlies numbers are growing also. Lot of predators killing the hell out of elk around the park. So when you say "our herds" above you mostly just mean right around Yellowstone?? Pretty much everywhere else in the entire state of MT... herds of all species are doing better than ever.
Greenhorn, Yes that herd specifically is one I was talking about for sure. To blame much of it on the grizzly is rather ridiculous as there has not been a hunting season for grizzly in that area for probably 20 years or more prior to wolf re-introduction. Now there was still grizzly hunting going on up until 89-90 in the flathead and swan drainages and of course in the Bob Marshall, so I suppose the increase in grizzly numbers there can be blamed on some of the herd decreases that have been seen in those area's as well. Yes, many area's are doing quite well in Montana, but area's that have unhunted populations of both Grizzlies and wolves I do not believe are doing as well as you'd suggest. And there's a whole lot of Montana that don't have grizzlies in any sizeable populations.

I assume when you state you were not able to draw a tag for that Gardner hunt you mean the bull tag, as I know many, many Montanans who drew the cow permit yearly and as family units and filled their freezers. As far as the quality of bulls that are there now I believe it was in 1990 or thereabouts that the Greater Yellowstone area, including Montana and Wyoming, the Late hunts anyway were ranked as the top place in the U.S. for the average guy to take a B&C bull during the late hunts, I beleive I read that in Outdoor Life or some other hunting magazine. So I am not sure how much bigger the bulls can get.

And truly "herds of all species are doing better than ever?" How are the mule deer herds in NW Montana in areas that have packs of wolves both re-introduced and native? Maybe you weren't including them in "herds of all species are doing better than ever."
carbonarcher said:
Greenhorn and nhy, something you should both realize about me is that it takes much more than someone like JoseCuervo, or gunner or whomever his computer allows him to be today, to get me riled up. Belittling people shows a lack of imagination, and if you guys get a kick out of watching him treat people that way for his own amusement, than so be it. But it kind of reminds me of the time when I was a little kid pulling the legs off of Daddy long legs, and my father said to me, how would you feel if someone did that to you?

Now to your point greenhorn, have you tried to apply for a Gardner late hunt yet this year? And yes for that hunt at least it is pretty much "just wolves."

carbon ol' bud, you misinterpreted my post. I was actually trying to interject a little humor, laughing with you guys...not "at" Jose/Gunner's alleged "victims". I assure you, if I was raggin' your azz, there would be no such confusion. Glad to hear you don't get riled too easily:rolleyes: ....composure is a useful tool when debating Gunner.:D ....but it won't help you a bit with Buzz.;)
Carbonarcher, grizzlies have been increasing steadily in both the Yellowstone and NW area, they do have an impact, so do heavy black bears numbers and lions. I think most areas could stand all of those predators, provided there was some level of control. Right now, there's grizz and wolves with no control, lots of cats and black bears also. Wolves aren't going to ruin hunting where they are at, especially when we can plug a few of them. Aside from moose around YNP, and the late YNP hunts, there has been minimal impact to MT hunter opportunities. The cow slaughters of YNP were fun, but really a product of over population in the park. From what I see, the numbers are still fairly good around Yellowstone, a bit worrysome about the age of the herd though. And without a doubt, the trophy quality of bulls now is far FAR better than ever before. Could it be due to better condition of the winter range?? I dunno, but that's my guess. I've been going over there annually, a lot, since before wolves were first introduced.

How are the herds of mule deer in NW MT? Are you asking, or do you want me to tell you? :D The wolves aren't killing them all and the sky isn't falling yet. But it should would be nice if WY would pull its head out..

I like to complain about wolves myself, but come on, some of this "hunting as we know it is over" crap is just a little over the top.
mtmiller said:
Slinger, just so I have this right, DNR released 17, 225# hybrid wolves in your neighborhood to control rabbits. How did you find this out? A friend of a friend who knows a gal that used to babysit for a guy that worked the front desk at the DNR office? I hope you make me eat my words when I say I find this hard to believe, but do you have any proof

Sure do Here is a website with all that info Look under the october of 1998 idid have a paper but i just moved into my new home and still unpacking.
wsmslinger said:
Sure do Here is a website with all that info Look under the october of 1998 idid have a paper but i just moved into my new home and still unpacking.

I wasn't able to find the article on "hybreads" in the link that wsmslinger provided, but I did find an article on the World Premier of the movie "Frozen Stupid" that will be shown at the local movie palace....

‘Frozen Stupid’ premiere set
June 08, 2006

Although temperatures will be high, Houghton Lake will be “Frozen Stupid” during the world premiere of the film at the Pines Theater Aug. 18.

Writer/Director Rich Brauer of Traverse City announced this week that the ice fishing comedy will make its debut at the Houghton Lake landmark. Brauer, along with several cast and crew members, will be on hand opening night.

Brauer also said DVDs of the film, complete with a behind the scenes featurette, trailer and “some other fun things,” will be on sale for $20. He said he plans to contribute a portion of the DVD sales to a Houghton Lake charity.

Filming of the movie started in early January and wrapped in early February after the crew spent several weeks filming on and around Houghton Lake. Scenes were filmed during the Tip-up Town, U.S.A. parade, at the Kilkare Inn, on the ice in front of Comfort Suites Lakeside and other Houghton Lake locations. Additionally, many extras from the area were used in making the film.

“The extra list is the longest I’ve ever seen,” Brauer told the Resorter in May. “We had a great time. I can’t wait to show it to the community.”

The film recounts the trials and tribulations of an ice fisherman, Tony Norgard, played by Joey Albright, who feigns illness to duck out of his mother-in-law’s birthday party to enjoy a quiet day of ice fishing. It’s not long before his prevarication becomes a series of calamitous events all in the pursuit of the “big pike.”

The film also stars Ernest Borgnine, who plays Tony’s father and fishing companion Frank.

Tony’s wife, Lila, is played by Michelle Mountain, who besides being featured in the Jeff Daniels’ film “Super Sucker,” Brauer’s film “Barn Red,” has appeared in several stage productions at the Purple Rose Theatre, the Performance Network and at Meadow Brook.

The part of Tony’s ice fishing companion, Stormy, was played by Kimberly Norris Guerrero, who was featured in the movies “Hidalgo” and “Barn Red.” Her appearances on television include “Seinfeld,” “Northern Exposure,” “The Sopranos” and “Walker, Texas Ranger.”
Not sure were it is

Ive got a copy of the article but im in the process of unpacking its here somewere and when i find it ill post it . Now about frozen stupid they filmed 90% of that movie in a local hotelroom If you No who Fred Willard is he was there for Houghton lakes Tip up Town . it is Just a Big A$$ carnival on the ice Fred willard played in anchor man as the boss or who ever But it was a good time till i wrecked my snowmobile! TREES DONT MOVE!

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