Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wolf Promo Aug 16 and 23


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Watched the Randy and Bryce antelope hunt tonight on the Sportsmans Channel. Saw the promos for the upcoming wolf episodes.....those were pretty neat.

I'm hoping someone will record it for me, don't know if I'm smart enough to set it to record them while I'm gone. I will miss both the 16th and the 23rd so I will have to watch it when I get back.

Nice job on the little promos Randy, they turned out great!

I suspect this episode is gonna get the wolf lovers off the couch and crying like babies:D:hump:

Looking forward to some hate mail, been nothing but bills in the mailbox
I haven't seen an episode yet this year but this is one I'd most like to watch. I'll have to buddy up to someone with more TV than I have...

Any chance the wolf hunting episodes will be available for online viewing? Last year I remember something was said that an agreement was reached allowing the episodes to be posted under the 'videos' section. So will we be able to watch the Season 4 episodes like we were able to watch Season 3?

Any chance the wolf hunting episodes will be available for online viewing? Last year I remember something was said that an agreement was reached allowing the episodes to be posted under the 'videos' section. So will we be able to watch the Season 4 episodes like we were able to watch Season 3?

Not sure. If we do, we can't load them up until Q4.
Just home from a few days of board meetings. Reading my copy of Bowhunter Magazine and see the network has a full-page ad in there (page 125), promoting the wolf episodes in that edition, along with a lot of other publications they are associated with. A big press release is going out to outdoor media tomorrow, then another release to "consumer" media later this week. Consumer media being the big newpaper and TV markets.

I know the network is going to get a lot of heat for airing this. I am very thankful they have looked at it and concluded it is a topic they will not back away from, as was the case with a different network that would not let me film such a hunt when we had a season in 2009.

As one Hunt Talker told me, after he looked at a draft, "I hope you are ready for a lot of blowback when this one airs." I suspect the same could be said of what the network will hear, also.
Bring it on:D:D

This should be a good one.............I'm pretty sure everyone is gonna know just how Fin feels about when they watch these episodes;)
I can't wait to see that episode and I know everyone here backs you 100%!
I know the network is going to get a lot of heat for airing this. I am very thankful they have looked at it and concluded it is a topic they will not back away from, as was the case with a different network that would not let me film such a hunt when we had a season in 2009.

The same network that airs a poacher? Can't imagine there will be any heat.

I thought the hipocracy was humorous as well and not just with the incident you mentioned. Laughable.
I can think of no one that i would prefer to represent me on this issue and as a hunter. Keep up the good work.

mike r
My last day of work is wednesday before i prep for Bearpaw outfitters school. So I'll get to see both episodes! I'm excited to watch this show, and even more excited to hear about it from the wolf-huggers.

Is the yellowstone herd REALLY down to 4,000 animals? it seems, at this point, that the blink of an eye could result in the loss of an enormous western asset.:(
Some great comments regarding your wolf hunt on 24HR. Only one doofus kind of went off on you, but he received a beating.

Yeah. Some of the local guide/outfitter community have no use for me, or anything I am associated. Others in the guide/outfitter community take our show and concept for what it is, and we have good relationships. Some even call me to talk hunting and visit. Like all groups, there are some who get their feelings hurt easily and some who can put things in perspective.

Some MT guys in those occupations are offended when I get involved in poltiics and hunting policy on behalf of the self-guided hunter. Those who are offended would mistake me for someone who cares that they are offended.

Not sure who Daryl Shehan is, but he lives nearby. He is entitled to his opinion. To me and our future plans, his opinion is worth what I paid for it.

Wonder what kind of quality is provided people who have paid him under his "you get what you pay for" idea? He seems to imply that you have to pay him, or someone else, in his profession to have anything that is not "laughable."

Doubtful that he looks at the pics on Hunt Talk to see what kind of critters guys shoot without paying him. If so, he would see his "you get what you pay for" comments are "laughable."