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wilson mountain

gar man

New member
Mar 5, 2003
southwest missouri
O.K. Things are slowing down in here. So has anybody been on or around wilson or puddin mountain in Idaho (unit 27)? If so what was the area like? Was there any elk? Does that area hold many elk? How about the deer and bear population?
gar man.....Wilson Mtn. is over 9000 feet and Puddin Mtn. just NW of it is of similar elevation. There is a forested ridge connecting the two that is a natural crossing for elk moving between the eastern Wilson Creek drainage and the western drainage (I can't recall it's name now) There are some nice lakes at the SE base of Wilson Mtn. where I have seen bear and Puddin Mtn. has several lakes on it's eastern base. Have seen a lot of elk between Wilson Creek and Wilson Mtn. I haven't seen any harvest stats for awhile but this part of the Middle Fork Area is fairly good elk country.....some is pretty steep so get in shape. GOOD LUCK!!
Thanks whitedeer, we have put alot of time into finding a place, and spent plenty of money in phone bills. I just wanted to see if anybody had seen it in person.