Caribou Gear

Whitey Buck...


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2010
Bozeman, MT
The last day of the season I ran into this guy. unfortunatly I didn't have a tag as he was locked up with a doe and on public land. All I could do was watch and snap a couple of photos through the scope. What do you guys think? He looked really big to me, but I don't know whitetails that well.



WOW...really mid 160's.....thats big. Well, it was the last day of the season, maybe he made it. I guess it might be worth trying to hunt him next year huh. Problem is those damn mule deer have consumed me. I also saw this guy the last day and was thinking I should try to find him. Man mid Nov, is a LONG ways away :(

I was thinking high 130's myself....
Great buck for Montana, not too many guys passing on that buck.
Nice bucks! Its always best to stay home after you punch your tag until the season is over. :D

I'd guess the whitey in the 150 range. Its a heck of deer.
Click...............................................BOOOOOOM! 'Nough said!
well, at 150 he'd definately be my best. Problem is, at least I think, is that he is a "praire" whitetail so I would imagine that he moves around quite a bit. But, I guess he'd still be in a 5-10 mile radius....ya think?
I can't pattern them worth a crap but hope you see him again with tag and tack handy.