Which 50-inch side-by-side?

Had a 2017 pioneer 500. The worries about suspension travel, and suspension in general are valid, put about 5000 miles on mine, before it left me. Only felt like I was going to tip it once, and luckily I was moving fast enough I was over the dip before gravity realized it should work right there. One thing I really liked about it was the bench seat, I could slide in and out much more easily than the buckets on the rzr's or can ams.
Especially liked the 50 inch aspect, here in Idaho I could make the gates, for summer trail riding or scouting. Fit in my 8' pickup bed with the tailgate strapped shut, missed shutting by about 3 inches, but it meant I could take it along behind the camper without pulling doubles, or a second tow rig. It really felt to me like an oversized early edition atv, that my wife or dog could sit beside me in, instead of them riding behind.
Honda has a deserved reputation for reliability, I just think they leaned this machine way too far to the utility side for most people.
Not sure where you are getting your pricing. MSRP on the Pioneer 520 is $9,999. MSRP on the RZR 570 trail width is $10,599.

You might be thinking about the RZR 900 trail machine?
I can't find the 570 on the website for polaris in 2023, might be weak google fu
I can't find the 570 on the website for polaris in 2023, might be weak google fu
I think you might be right. I couldn’t it either. The price I quoted earlier ended up being for a 570 trail ATV. Looks like the last 570 RZR was 2022.
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The Hondas are worth a huge premium around me. Guys love them and typically sell for for near new even with a ton of miles. My dad is on wait lists at two dealers with no real word on when he will ever get one. They aren’t the fastest, flashiest, etc but they just work. I’m pretty anti Polaris as their stuff is just built weird and my experience has been lots of maintenance. I don’t know much about the can ams as the only ones I see are the giant ones
I’m on the hunt for one as well. Can-am appear to be solid!
I would also throw Yamaha Wolverine in the mix, but I think the width is closer to 60". 4 years in so far with no issues to speek of. Not the fastest UTV out there, but will go absolutely anywhere.
I use Rangers and Pioneers at work every day and we are excessively rough on equipment. We don’t have any of the smaller stuff, all of ours are 1000. I will say in my experience on the big stuff the Honda Pioneers are less maintenance and don’t seem to be as much hassle. After 6 years I just wore out the the main drive shaft of the pioneer. In that same time period I can’t tell you the number of drive belts we’ve had to replace of the Rangers. Waaaaaay too many, all it takes is one knucklehead doing something in high range that should have been done in low range to burn a spot on a Ranger belt and then the end is near.
Found a gently used '21 Can Am Maverick Trail 1000dps that had to come home with me. Thanks for the info all around. Just need to find a windshield for it now. Part of this whole exercise was to no longer freeze my tail off coming off the mountain at night on an atv. Kinda defeats the purpose with no front window!
Anyone ever owned an Axis? Seems like a lot of value for those machines but reviews say quality is very poor.

I had a 570 Ranger a few years back. Wish I kept it. Deciding between that and a Pioneer.
No help with the 50"er, i have a pioneer1000 which is a amazing machine and atvs for sub 50" trails as i dont fit in a sub 50 SxS. I will offer the advice of listen to whatever you choose before you buy. i am not sure if its the polaris or canam (maybe both) but all the time i hear these loud machines coming only to see a tiny SxS on trail, volume is not something i value in my machines.
I can attest to his awesome Honda sxs! I was picking his brain and asking him a lot about sxs because I was in the market!
After extensive research, I settled on a Maverick Trail. 750 miles and no complaints. Can easily hit 70MPH on the highway. I would recommend upgrading the tires.View attachment 281527
What tire setup do you have on there? You are correct, these factory Mav Trail tires aren't long for the rocks around here. They'll last me through this year but I foresee a winter upgrade.

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