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What the heck is the Legislature doing?

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
"There´s some stuff in the Idaho Legislature that smells like dead fish rotting on the lake shore on a hot August day."

Read about the stuff some Idaho Legislators are trying to pass this year. Some of you in ID are voting for the people who vote "Yes" on these bills. Do you have any idea how your representatives feel about these bills? I bet NONE of the Idahoans here in SI who claim to be so concerned about our rights to hunt have ever done anything to lobby against the bills like this that come up every year. In fact, whenever I bring up the Idaho Wildlife Federation, which is the only organization that has an organized effort to fight these bills, a bunch of you post about what a terrible organization they are!

What are any of you going to do about these bills? Let's hear from all the SI posters who claim they're real involved!

The We Don´t Care About Poaching Bill (HB 278) — This would reduce the penalty for poaching a moose to a misdemeanor.
Huh? Does the Legislature want to undo all the strides made in the anti-poaching campaign to make it more attractive to illegally kill one of the state´s premier game animals?

This measure would send a message that the Legislature doesn´t give a hoot about poaching.

The Do Away With Game Wardens Bill (HB 277) — This one would eliminate F&G law enforcement and move that responsibility to the Idaho State Police. Just try to figure this one out.
The state police are dedicated to making Idaho´s roads and highways safer for motorists. There´s a good feeling, knowing that troopers are out there and will come to your aid when you need it. That´s a big job.

They don´t need the added responsibility of chasing all over the mountains looking for poachers and Fish and Game law violators.

Besides, Fish and Game has about 90 well-trained conservation officers. They are educated in wildlife biology and certified in law enforcement. They are doing a tremendous job protecting the state´s wildlife.

As a hunter and an angler, I want the dollars from my hunting and fishing license fees to stay with Fish and Game for law enforcement and not transferred to another state agency.

Let Fish and Game enforce hunting and fishing laws. This is a no-brainer.

The We Don´t Care If You Have A Place to Hunt and Fish Bill (HB 252) — Its subtitle should be The Anti-Wildlife Habitat Bill.
In its initial state, the bill would have prohibited Fish and Game from acquiring more land around the state.

In a time when wildlife habitat is disappearing under pavement, shopping centers and housing developments, the Legislature shouldn´t be trying to curtail Fish and Game´s ability to obtain property and make it a wildlife management area or public hunting area.

Public access is a key issue when it comes to hunting and fishing in Idaho. I invite any legislator to go out hunting with me at Fort Boise Wildlife Management Area near Parma during duck and pheasant season and see how busy it is and how overcrowded it can be.

There´s a need for more public hunting grounds.

When this legislation was proposed, it sent a message that Idaho´s lawmakers don´t care about providing more public access, public hunting grounds and wildlife habitat.

And don´t use the lame excuse that the property is taken off the tax roles when it is owned by Fish and Game.

If legislators would do some research, they would know that Fish and Game makes payments in lieu of taxes that, in some cases, are more than if the land was in agriculture.

Since fiscal year 1992, Fish and Game has paid $1.9 million in payments to counties for its property.

The proposal also would have limited private property rights. It basically wouldn´t let property owners sell their land to Fish and Game.

The House Resources committee this week scaled back the bill to only restrict Fish and Game land purchases in counties that border a foreign country. That´s Boundary County.

What a fiasco. What a waste of time.

The Pay Me More Money Bill (HB 209) — Subtitle this, Sportsmen´s Funds Are Easy Pickings.
This is a bill to change the state´s depredation law.

The depredation system, where sportsmen´s funds compensate farmers and ranchers for damage done by wildlife, has been working OK.

There´s an advisory committee that keeps tabs on the program.

Some sportsmen, who are the watchdogs of the Legislature, are afraid that the proposed legislation is an end run around the committee to pay out more claims and more money for depredation.

It is being called another avenue to redirect sportsmen funds to benefit others, not wildlife.

Call (800) 626-0471 and leave a message for your legislator that you are tired of bills like these.

The right move

OK, the Legislature did the right thing this week.

It dropped the controversial coyote control project in eastern Idaho.

The Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee dumped the $300,000 project that mandated Fish and Game to kill coyotes in Unit 69.

The project had no scientific basis and was a way to plunder Fish and Game´s funds.

Good riddance to a boondoggle."

Now, what are you SI posters gonna do about this stuff? Are you gonna keep voting for the Legislators who vote for these bills? Do you even know how your Legislators vote on them? I bet not!
Here's the e-mail that is going out to my representatives. I'm also send it to friends and telling them they are welcome to copy and use it and also to send it to their friends so they can use it.

Anyone here at HT is welcome to use this info.

"To my District 17 Legislators: I'm sick and tired of our Idaho Legislators trying to pass bills like these and I'll vote against anyone who votes for these bills and I'll vote against any candidates from any party that supports these bills. Please reply and tell me how you're going to vote on :

The We Don´t Care About Poaching Bill (HB 278) — This would reduce the penalty for poaching a moose to a misdemeanor.

Who except a moose poacher would support that bill?

The Do Away With Game Wardens Bill (HB 277) — This one would eliminate F&G law enforcement and move that responsibility to the Idaho State Police.

Who except anyone who wants to weaken F&G law enforcement would vote for that one?

The We Don´t Care If You Have A Place to Hunt and Fish Bill (HB 252) — Its subtitle should be The Anti-Wildlife Habitat Bill.

I want access to more places to hunt and fish and I want that access protected for future generations.

The Pay Me More Money Bill (HB 209) — Subtitle this, Sportsmen´s Funds Are Easy Pickings.

I've heard that the Legislator who sponsored this bill is a recipient of depredation funds. If that is true he should be removed from the Idaho Legislature. Any political party that condones such an obvious conflict of interest is corrupt.

Click on this link for more information on these bills:

Please pass this e-mail message to everyone in your party leadership.

If you do not respond with your opinion of these bills I will assume you are in favor of them and I will contribute $ to any candidate running against you for as long as you are running for office."

Signed with my name, mailing address and phone #. That info has to be included or the Legislators will not receive the e-mail.

Here's how to contact your Legislators:

Go to this site for info on the Legislature and how to contact people. Click on "Contact my Legislator?" and, also, the Legislature's symbol on the site:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-02-2003 17:52: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
I agree.
Mine will be hereing from me as well (if ya dont like my spellin,to badd).
In eastern OR, malheur county anyways the State Police are the law inforcers. They do a good job and I think when it comes down to it they have more resources to be able to investigate crimes better and probably cheaper. Example...state police already have crime labs in place, F&G has to send evidence out to be processed, probably at a higher cost. If it was to save the sportsmen some money I would be for it, since moving to ID I have not even seen anything to insure me F&G cops are better then State Police, and to be honest I think the State Police do a better job in eastern OR then in western ID, from my observations. I would have to see some sort of financial statistics to prove which would be the better choice for ID, if there was so much as 50 cents differnce I would vote the other way.
Gato, Read this and tell us why getting rid of F&G enforcement people will be best for hunting and fishing!

"The folks at the state police e-mailed me to let me know that they don´t only patrol the highways. (I was comforted by the fact that it is good to see state troopers out on the highways and know that that they are promoting safety and saving lives on our roadways.)

But they do a lot more. It´s totally ridiculous to saddle troopers with more work, like patrolling the backcountry and enforcing fish and game laws, especially because we already have an agency that performs this function.

Idaho State Police are responsible with enforcing all laws of the state, from narcotics to fraud to cyber crimes. They specialize in Alcohol Beverage Control licensing; operate the state of Idaho´s three forensic labs; and have the state´s criminal history records repository."

Most Idahoans are voting for the Legislators who support anti hunting legislation. I bet you are and don't even know it. I bet not one out of 50 hunters know how their Reps. vote on F&G bills. If they did they'd never vote for them, if they ever bother to vote at all.

How many hunters do you know who have ever contacted their reps about a F&G bill?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-09-2003 09:34: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Like I said I would have to see a financial statement before making my choice and like I said early if the state police were so much as 50 cents cheaper I would sway there way. Like I said earlier also in my post IMO I think the State Police in eastern oregon do a better job then Idaho F&G does hands down. You won't convince me otherwise. The way I see things, the F&G is a inspector gadget type and State Police are more of a Sherlock Holmes. I belive State Police are better equiped to investigate crimes, like you said earlier they operate the only 3 crime labs in the state. Where does say F&G send a bullet casing for fingerprints to be processed that was maybe found at a poaching scene? State Police? I think thats why OR uses state police cause they are better equiped for investigation type cases, they have the equipement, the know how and a staff already in place. F&G has nothing. There like a security guard at a mall IMO.
I hunt in OR about 30 days a year and I've never seen an OR state police vehicle off the paved roads. I've contacted them three years in a row about a group of illegal hunters who camp in the same spot every year for the first few days of deer season and they've never checked them. Probably because it's so far off a paved road, although the dirt road is in very good condition. Their priorities don't seem to be checking hunters and fishermen in the back country. You think a state cop is going to spend an hour driving back to a hunting camp in the hills when they're also supposed to be responding to car accidents?

But all that aside, most Idaho hunters don't even know the particulars of the bills in the legislature.

What are you doing to take a look at the financial statements you claim you need to see? I think that's just an excuse to do nothing.

In twenty two years of lobbying our Legislature and trying to get hunters politically involved I've learned that when they say something like, "Well, I'd have to read that bill to know whether I support it or not." it means they're not going to do anything.

Please let us know what you find out about the financial aspects of the state police bill. Maybe you think it's going to be cheap to trade in all the state police cars for 4wd vehicles so they can drive where the hunters go.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-09-2003 11:15: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Ithaca I wonder who you reported the violation too? I doubt you have ever even called anyone regarding the issue, exactly were is this illegal camp your talking about, I know almost every sq ft of eastern OR. Anyone that hunts malheur county knows the reputation of the state police and yes they will drive anywhere to check out anything, they are not on traffic patrol they are on wildlife patrol, they drive pickups not cars. Your barking up the wrong tree here amigo. Why don;t you call the district F&G office in Ontario and talk to Walt VanDyke and ask him about how things are run and contracted out throught the State Police. Ask him what he thinks of State Police inforcing the laws, ask him about Phil Groves as an officer if hes lazy and only sticks to the pavement or never does infeild license checks etc. Your totally mislead on the issues amigo. LMAO, you think the State Police are driving there crysler patrol cars into the mnts ....LMAO. I know you don't hunt in OR 30 days cause your on the frigin computer everyday and mostly all day, if not posting here your reading about something on another web site. I'm not going to investigate on the finacial aspects ithaca, I don;t have the time like you do. These are issues I should'nt have to look up anyways they should be things that are talked about when the bill is debated and voted upon. Ithaca when a F&G officer in ID pulls someone over on what they think maybe a game violation and they suspect the driver to have been drinking alcohol,can they issue them a DUI or just write them a ticket for and extra grouse they may have. With State Police at least they can, they have full athority over game and traffic infractions. Don;t you think it would be better to take a drunk hunter of the road if they can?
I usually call 1-800-452-7888 to report OR violations. Sometimes the NE Regional office. The camp is near the Jordan Craters.

"I'm not going to investigate on the finacial aspects ithaca, I don;t have the time like you do."

Just what I thought. You were giving the typical excuse for doing nothing. Without your input on these types of bills how do you expect your reps. to know how you want them to vote? I bet you've never even appeared at the Legislature to participate in any hearings about F&G bills.

You have no idea how much time I have for anything or how many days I spend hunting, fishing and hiking in OR and ID every year. It's probably a lot more than you.

"....can they issue them a DUI or just write them a ticket for and extra grouse they may have." You would know the answer to that if you knew anything about how F&G enforcement works. Obviously you don't know what you're talking about.

Uninvolved hunters are a big part of the problem with F&G issues in Idaho. They don't get involved in F&G legislation and they don't know how their reps. vote on it. Probably don't even know who they are.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-09-2003 13:04: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Ithaca why is it you feel the need to hunt in OR for birds don't Idaho have any? If you knew anything about OR, malhuer county anyways you will know that every deer unit in the county has a 2-3 yr turnaround on tags based on ORs preferance point system, so when your telling me there was the same people camped there 3 yrs in a row, I don't buy into your scam. Its almost rare to see same people camped in the same spot 2 yrs in a row let alone 3. Your right, I don't know what authorities F&G officers have in ID, thats why I asked you the question, duh, takes a smart fella to figure that one out! So are you going to call Walt VanDyke and ask him how well it works to have the state police inforce laws over there or you just going to avoid the issue all together yourself and believe like you want to, you want me to be so involved in finding out answers, why don't you start doing your own research. I thought you needed the pros and cons to a debate to even have one, don't you think any of the reps have done a little research or do they just sit around infront of a computer all day and get there education of the internet like you do?? Heres a start for you and I will even help you with the # you can call Walt VanDyke tommorow at 541-889-6975. Your calling the NE regional office in la grande roport violations?? How come your not calling the Ontario office not smart enough or what? I think if I seen a crime happen I would at least call the correct authorites in the same county! Thats like me seeing someone commit a crime in payette county and call the sherriffs office in valley county to report the crime...lmao So you feel that the state police can't inforce laws or investigate crimes as well as F&G can??? Personally like I have said earlier I could care less as to who does it, if its cheaper to remain with F&G then be so, if its cheaper to contract out with State Police then I am all for it, I could honestly care less, but I would rather whoever gets the job, be saving the sportsmans money rather then increase spending. Go ahead Ithaca research what type of spending is involved, if theres any added increase or savings, contact walt over in OR, ask him how well the system works over there get all the pros and cons from him. I expect you'll do a good Report back with your findings and we will talk the issues further, I'm not retired/unemployed like you are or glued to my computer chair so I'll leave it up to you cause I have more important things to do then rot sitting in a computer chair all day. I trust you'll come out with a good report of your findings, what 5-10, heck 20 page report maybe?? That should only take you a few days of research you think?? I won't debate with you anymore on the subject untill you report back to us with your report. I have wasted enough time on this computer taking to you today, and someone should just shoot me for doing so.
Gato, I hunt both ID and OR because I like the variety. As for all the rest of your questions; do your own research just like I do. I don't have time to answer them.

All you care about is who would be cheaper between the state cops and F&G? Why not who can do the best job? It's clear you don't know what you're talking about.
There ya go avoid my invitation to call Walt,you avoid situations more then anyone I know. Should'nt you be out protesting somewhere right now, as big of an activist you claim to be there should be some sort of protest going on everyday somewhere you could attend. Go plant some bitterbrush or something!! Heck my buddy right now is fencing off 3 reparian areas in poison creek over there towards marsing hill if you know where thats at, maybe you should go build fence for a couple weeks with him, I am sure he could use a water boy. Your so into these reparian areas, heck I could even go out and take your pic and we could post it here on the internet if it would help your ego...lmao. I have told myself never to post to your topics and why I did this one I don't know. Talking to you is a useful as me walking out to my kennel and carrying on a conversation with a pile of dog chiitt.
Ithaca, I'm not going to research this information just because you want me to. I have other sources for the info I want. I'm not trying to start a fight here Ithaca, if I wanted to start a fight I would just come to boise and do my buisness. Its been almost 2 months since I last got in a physical altercation with someone, and I really don't like making it a habit of mine. Fighting usually solves nothing in the end, although one time in college I got into a brawl and the guy ended up becoming pretty good freinds with me so I geuss its not all bad and sometimes turns out good.
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