"what a shame" or "what a waste"

I agree with both Buzz and Bambi on the roadkill, hanging every animal on wall idea.

I am a native Marylander, I guess, and am now in AK. The Montanan and Wyoming boys have their flags in their offices here as well. Most could have gotten a job there, but came as they (with a significant other) both were able fo find jobs and wanted the experience. I would say that most people here are transplants, so we are friendly to all newcomers.

Most of the transplants are definitely from the mountain states, MN and MI. Here in AK where the price of a house avg is 320 K, a decent one 450 K. Groceries up to 40% higher, so we live with high prices daily. I too hope to move to a place like MT some day (I think that many of these folks will move back as well), but feel the reality of those folks...most things will seem cheap to me, except the paycheck of course.

This is the reality of a more Global (for a lack of better word) ecomony. More people than ever can commute to their job via plane, or use technology and work from anywhere. More and more those already in those beautiful places will feel the squeeze.

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