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West side trails in The Bob


New member
Dec 12, 2016
Bitterroot Valley Montana
So this year, and maybe every year from now on, we will be hunting the Bob for elk, deer and bear. Its only a two hour drive from my house. I've been scouting trails that go in from the west side. I've narrowed it down to two, Lion Pass and Holland Gordon. Once inside the Bob I know where I want to head to. My question is, has anyone taken these trails? I know a lot of outfitters use them which can be a positive and a negative. Positive because trails are groomed fairly well and negative because there will be plenty of outfitter traffic. I'll be heading in with a string of 4-5 horses and mules about September 10th for 10-20 days. Ill pre scout a few miles of each but just wondering what opinions, if any, you guys may have.
Hi Macnshana, I know some folks who have traveled those trails. As you stated Gordon is groomed and cut out for stock so it sees heavy use.

I would not recommend using Lion Creek Pass. The final stretch of the trail on the west side is a set of open step switchbacks through loose shale. Once you make it over the top and to the lake there's not really anywhere to go as trail 25 down Palisade Creek is inaccessible to stock. The trail is very boggy and not cut wide enough for stock.

Another option for getting to Little Salmon Creek is Smith Creek Pass.
Another option would be a climbers trail that isn't on FS maps that goes over the west side south of Sunday Mountain into Grizzly Basin. Pm me if you want some more specific details.
Lion Cr. has a large outfitter camp at the head of it on the backside of Swan Peak.
There will be a fair amount of traffic, especially second week of Sept.
As mentioned above the trail to palisade is super rough, I wouldn't haul a pack string through there.

If you go to Upper Holland you can choose to go over Gordon pass to Gordon Cr. or Pendant pass to Big Salmon.
Holland area will be really busy with outfitters, so busy they have an uphill/downhill policy. I believe up before noon and down afternoon.

Having stock usually cause's people to bunch up at the trail heads, but after a few miles everyone disperses and you'll have no problem getting away from people.

Good luck and have fun.
Thanks to all for the info. I believe Ill use Holland Gordon and after I hit Shaw cabin ill head the direction I want to go. My hopes are high. Not just for the hunt but also for adventure.