Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

We're gay? what about you elkhumpers!?

That's mighty nice of you Elkhunter to say that we are trying to stand up to you.
I guess after seeing that picture of you that Del posted, its better to stand up to you then to bend over in front of you. :eek:
And how dare you use a four letter word in your posts. We all have to do it, but the less we are reminded of it the better.
You just keep on living in your pipe dream and sniffing those elk butts and you might end up as demented as CA hunter ;)
WY where the men are men and the sheep are nervous :D

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-21-2002 08:26: Message edited by: Mntman ]</font>
HAHAHA!!!This is probably the funniest thread so far...You guy's are way to much...ROFLMAO!!!!!Good shots..No-"very good shots" Cali.....HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!I see Da F.A.G. boys are finally lifting their skirts and trying to give us a run for our money..Good try and keep it up..It's finally starting to get a little interesting...
;) ;) :D HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Let's see some more actuon from the woosie squad.....LMAO...HAHAHAHA!!!!! :D :D :D
If I have this correct, Mtnman has balls and Amberjackmight have balls and got fish? is a hopeful :D

Ahhhhhhhhhhh..........You fisherwoosies sure do cheer us up in the morning and night :D
I been offline a few days, but now that I'm back its good to see you approve of our banter.
I just know I could not sleep until I got approval from you, Yawn;)

give Got fish some time and maybe he'll grow a set. After all, he was kind of afraid of that catfish friday night. Just the thought of him going up against you, what will it do to him.

But at least he caught a fish, I got skunked
got to go now and finish arranging things for my parents 50th.
50 years, that is great Mtnman. That is an accomplishment. Congrtulate them from all of us at Hunt Talk.
Sorry you got skunked, is thast because you were busy looking at the backside of got fish? :D

Amberflack, keep trying. I thought balls were those red and white things you use for fishing. :D
Elkhunter - you are too kind! You know that those red and white bobbers are too big to be their balls. Although they do like to bob and kneel...or is that their names?
Thanks for the well wishes for my folks. I took them for a limo ride and a nice dinner in North Scottsdale.
I feel they needed it after putting up with me for 42yrs.
I could not help seeing that moon of Got fish's, it eclipsed the real one. ;)

BTW, Amberjack doesn't use bobbers, its boobers :D
Man go away for awhile and what happens? You guys let some wanna be fisherman who can only talk about elk hunting run you ragged.

First of all Ca. Hunter never gets more than a few yards from his garage because the batteries on his electric car are two "AA"'s

I'm not sure what the heck Moosie was talking about when he said Elk Humper and Elk run after have everything lined out. The only thing they seem to line out is the ground up elk antler they bought at the swap meet to keep them hard enough to entertain themselves when things get slow.

We all know they tried fishing and reverted to talking about their glory days when their pappy led them to some scrawny spike bull that was ready to die of winter starvation and was saved from that by a heart attack caused by their poor marksmanship.

They only hang aroud down here so they can tell all their friends they know some cool fisherMEN. :D
Get real, where would you put the rod rack on that two wheel peddle power hunting vehicle of yours? Not to mention a tackle box. ;)
The rod rack and the tackle box go on the trailer behind my peddle power hunting rig, which by the way has 3 wheels so I don't fall over when the smog gets to me. :D The fish you guys catch and brag about are the size as our bait! ;) It's tough when you have to throw back a 3-foot long fish cuz it's too small.
Cali, did you say the fish they catch? That is a joke in itself. They talk about going and spend 3 weeks deciding on a date and come back with a picture of got fish's? ass.

Lie Gal, you are too funny. :D Where are all the fish you caught :D

That's it Del, stir the pot :D
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Look down your standing in your own nuclear waste. Yeah thats it running down your leg.

Do you know why they call me "Lie Guy"?