Yeti GOBOX Collection

Washington Coyote

Where in Washington

Where in Washington do you hunt coyotes. Growing up in rural Eastern Montana coyote hunting was a major past time and I would love to meet up with some one to call and hunt coyotes in Washington. Not so sure about the spot and stock coyote hunting thing though. Never heard of any one trying it. I guess I'm afraid a belly full of cactus!
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First off, congrats on the yote, just wish could have shot one when i visited Montana.

Jbend, me thinks i know you!


Thia, well done on the coyote. At least you got him in the dirt before he became a big one and wrecked more havoc on the game herds.

Here in Australia down south we have a $10 bounty on fox scalps and $50 on dingo scalps as they are a big issue for farmers and native wildlife. Canines seem to cause issues in many countries!