Wall Tent or Arctic Oven?


New member
Nov 17, 2014
I know both of them have been talked about quite a bit, but what would you rather have and why? I like the idea of a wood stove and wanted your ideas of what you would prefer.

This will mostly be for Fall hunts but summer camping at high elevation as well.
I think the wall tent is more of an all season tent. I sure hope so because I am buying a new one in Jan.
If you need to carry it on your backs spend the 3 to 5k on an Arctic oven if not spend 1500 on a canvas wall tent and have a lot more room for activities.
Never seen an arctic oven but if it's anything like a dutch oven I want nothing to do with it.

Wall tents are the classy way to hunt!
That's a whole lot coin for a few yards of nylon. Plus at 40+ pounds not to many people are going to be packing that in on their backs unless your making several trips to get camp and gear in.
There is just something nostalgic about a wall tent.
They are really two different animals. I have a buddy who has an oven. I have a 12x12 spike tent. We run the same stoves in both (Four Dog). If you are planning heavy winter use, go with the oven. Their liner is really sweet, and really seems to hold heat. If you're setting up in relatively low snow season and 'reasonable' weather, go wall tent. I mean reasonable in not exposed mountain tops, 100mph winds, etc. which is what the oven is designed to handle. We set the oven up last year at 12,000' in CO on 12+ft of snow, without problem. Setting a wall tent in this kind of condition would just be a major PIA - too many stakes required for good pitch and security.

Arctic ovens are built for the worst imaginable weather to be sleeping outside in. They are very very nice. Of course they work just fine in the fall, never used it in the summer... wall tents have way more head room and usable space per their design.
From the pictures of the Arctic ,I would go with the Wall tent. I have stayed in a wall tent on 20 or more hunts and was always comfortable.