Yeti GOBOX Collection

Utah Wolf Poll

Im not a light beer drinker or a drunk,I am redneck and proud of it.I think were getting off track on this blog though.lets get back on wolves,nuff said.there are apparantly wolf lovers out there.
Sarcasm is lost on some, even when it is painfully obvious...
Back to the thread though:
Once wolves are established in Utah, does anyone know whether there is a managament plan in the works?
Thanks Fowl.
Kudos to Utah for getting that done so early. It shouldn't suprise me how much money they are estimating will be needed just to monitor wolves, but good lord that is a lot of money just for a few animals.
Sarcasm is lost on some, even when it is painfully obvious...
Back to the thread though:
Once wolves are established in Utah, does anyone know whether there is a managament plan in the works?
no they had one in idaho but they just took it away that sucks