Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

unit 39 early hunt


New member
Jul 20, 2016
First off I'd like to say hello! I am new to the website and well not going to be asking anything about hunting spots I can find my own...
So I drew the early buck tag for unit 39 starting August 15, I have scouted this unit by foot and vehicle for 6 weeks. After a long time seeing no deer at all I have finally found the buck problem is I saw him at 10pm crossing road from steep hill creek bed.. I went and investigated the area which is hell by the way found a huge trail. and his tracks are on both sides of the ridge. In old burn out with 4ft bushes everywhere. Anyway as my name presents I am newer to mule deer hunting..there is absolutely no way to start high I have no trails no roads I'm starting at the bottom😬 my question is where should I be looking to find this beast? Where do the big bucks like to bed? What should I find them eating? And any other advice will be very appreciated.. also if anyone needs info on 10A elk deer bear in exchange of info pm me.

Thanks to all of you for your time.
My first suggestion is to buy David Long's Public Land Mulies book. It will answer most of your questions and a few questions you didn't know you had.
Robby Denning from ID also has a good book out that is worth reading called hunting big mule deer. I would look high that time of year in the shade somewhere or on a North Slope or even blowdowns on a ridge top. Move super slow and keep your eyes open. Walk in the dark and use your binos at daylight and look for movement. Mule deer bucks will most likely be in bachelor groups this time of year and will be feeding well into daylight, they will also get up and follow the shade as the sun moves. Hit some of the nasty steep stuff and go all the way to the top of it and there will be deer up there, don't walk on ridge lines when you move mule deer have great eyes. Good luck on your hunt.
Caribou Gear

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