unit 20 Colorado


New member
Apr 10, 2015
I will be archery hunting unit 20 this fall, anyone that has hunted this unit?
I am looking for feedback, should I use an outfitter, I plan on an unguided hunt. Is September 10th -17th a good time. And are animals more likely high or closer to 8000 feet?
No help on unit 20, but good luck on your hunt. Be sure to post some pics of your hunt, elk or no elk :)
Great intro. Dates are good.
>Unit 20 is my backyard - no outfitter required.
Look south of, and east of Longs Peak for public.
I bow hunted that in the 90's and much is / has changed.
Good luck.
I live in 20 and there are elk from 12,000' down to 4,500' in Sept. There is a lot of private land to contend with throughout the unit but some patches of huntable public land. Although a guide isn't required you may get a little flustered trying to figure out where to hunt since there is so much private land scattered through 20 and several outfitters have many of the better ranches leased. If you get tired of not seeing elk take a ride on Trail Ridge, RMNP, and in the city limits of Estes Park where there are elk running all over the place!
I rifle hunted 20 (3rd season) about 5 years ago. I do know that a portion of it burned 2 or 3 years ago up towards the north side of the unit around Poudre Canyon. Then the floods came and wiped out a few of the roads.
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