Twas the Night Before Christmas............


Active member
Jun 8, 2007
Not close enough to Montana
.............and my mother-in-law arrived. No really, true story. Scary but true. :( I'm sure I'm not the only one on here that has an in-law that A) can't stand them and B) is just plain crazy. But if I am, you'll find this mildly entertaining. And probably laugh at my misery. :eek: So many stories, so little time. If I posted them all, I'd have to ask Fin to make a special forum to hold all the stories involving her, but I suspect I'd force the database out of space and that would not be good. Since we don't have a Horror Stories forum or a Halloween forum, this is the next best place to post.

So the MIL arrived at some ridiculous hour of the morning (she drove) and fumbled around the house in the dark for awhile doing who knows what which in turn woke me up and kept me awake for an hour or so. A few hours later when it was time to get up and get the day going, the first thing she announced...neigh, proclaimed....was that although she didn't know how many gifts my kids were getting this Christmas, all of them are too many blah blah instead of gifts, she wants to take my girls ice skating.

Hmmmm, okay. I shouldn't be surprised. She's never done a traditional gift for any birthday, Christmas, etc. so how is this any different?

In addition to a non-traditional approach to Christmas, she just whispered (can't believe she got that close to me considering how much she hates me) in my ear that she needs help. I figured Dinkshooter or Greenhorn could set her straight but couldn't get either on the line quick enough.

So she asks me to get on the Internet, find a picture of ice skates and make her a she can present it to my girls in the morning. Seriously? Are you kidding? Make her 2 cards (one for each of my daughters)? So on top of everything, she comes completely unprepared and expects me to do that? FANTASTIC! :rolleyes:

I'm pulling a real nice bottle of wine from the cellar for cocktail hour. For myself. And I'll pour into my glass alone. That should ease the pain a bit. She gets a cheap bottle, bought especially for her. ;)

Anyway, in an effort to stir up some humor on this Christmas eve....anyone else have any inlaw stories they want to share? :D

Merry Christmas everyone! Stay safe during the holidays! :D
My inlaws have both passed on to wherever "Good" inlaws go. They were both as good or better to me than my wife. I'll always miss them................

Merry Christmas to all and have a happy hunting year..
My problem isn't the MIL it was my mother. My MIL is cool and in fact has handed down some very nice old firearms that belonged to her father. My mother, which if you think about it, was my wifes MIL, was a lunatic. She would not ride the broom on Halloween but another holiday she was around. She was even know to set sail any day of the week, for no particular reason. The woman was wacko. She passed a year ago, the saying the mean ones last forever, I know where they got it.
My mother-in-law was a wonderful lady who grew up on the dirt streets of Trinidad, CO, and though from humble origins, was one of God's gifts to humanity. I consider myself fortunate to have known her for those 47 years, and what I learned from her is priceless. We miss you Mom.
Thats why I live in AK, My whole family (both sides) live in MI. They dont just "show up".
My mother in law is the best. She likes to have a beer with the guys, loves to camp and is a lot of fun to be around. She told my wife that if we were to get divorced that she was keeping me and getting rid of her own daughter.

Merry Christmas! Happy New year and may all your tags get filled.
elk hunter,I feel your mil knows I can't stand her so she doesn't show up fil I dislike even more.Anyway they are over the road team drivers so luckily I never have to see them anymore.I remember the days before they took that job though.never saw 2 more uneducated people who know everything in my life.Use to give me something to laugh about though.Now they just take that crap to a diner near you.If you see/hear a rude loudmouth know it all at a diner and see a US trucking truck in the parking lot,then you just met my in laws
good luck with yours and have a good christmas
LOL, some of you have had better mileage than myself. But hey, that's life and that's okay. :D

I actually have 2 MILs...this one hates me, the other one (and my FIL) love me. ;) Can't complain about that! are dead on! Totally serious!

Merry Christmas guys!
I met my inlaws for the first time when they came down for the birth of thier grandchild. I hadn't yet married their daughter. They've been nothing but fabulous, especially considering the first meeting was "hi, I'm Walt, I'm the guy who knocked up your daughter". Every year for Christmas I get a small envelope with a gift certificate for what Idaho sells as a sportsmans package, my deer, elk, bear, lion, turkey and fishing tags.I like to think they want me to be happy, not that they want me gone for 6 months a year.
Sorry for the pain your Mother's In Law put some of you guys through. I hit the jackpot with both my wife and her mother. Often wonder how I would react if I had a MIL that was a serious PITA. Luckily, it is not on my list of worries.

To keep things positive, let's not start talking about FIL issues.
overall my mother in law is great, a few things bug me, but im sure i bug her too. now my father in law, hes a whole nother story

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