Caribou Gear

Tred Barta

Tred is never trying to sell anything, doesn't endorse anything. Just goes out and hunts or fishes..I like him.
Got to admit, as much as tend to despise "hunting" television, I watched a fair numbers of those shows last weekend due to sick kids. Barta's just a dork, but I can deal with that....WTF is up with Gowdy on Versus "Quest for the One"? He acts like hunting is this huge mental chess match and he's outsmarting the game with every step (on camera). And the crap he's packing to hunt with??

I mean the guy goes is shooting a 300 with a freakin' digital star-wars scope in the "quest" to stop the mighty blackbuck antelope?? Damn glad that 90# of furry didn't decide to attack him. :rolleyes:

O.k....I'll lay off the NyQuil, rant's over!
Didn't know he hunted, if it's the same guy that wrote for the Sport Fishing mag I used to get. I liked to read about his offshore fishing trips, but he started to get too preachy and I was glad when his wife left him.
What was that scope?? I seen that also and was wondering WTF?? Any ideas of what brand it was. Would like to read about it. Yeah a bit over the topfor sure..
Ridge it was something on the order of this:


Don't really know if it was the "exact" same thing or know it was a terrible looking thing to top a rifle off with :eek: I don't know what was gaudier- that or the police swat team/usa shooting sports garage sale ball cap that dude is alwasy sporting :D
Ugly sumbish Marv...would put a little excitement into taking group photos though.:D
I know Ken, just never could see the use for a self-timer mode on a rifle scope...guess you could take a picture of yourself looking down the barrel! :eek:
That's it... Hell I thought it was one of them there penis stretchers from the looks of it. Not that I have ever seen one. Maybe it does that too!;) :D :D
I dont mind Tred. Yea he is full of himself but he is just a guy who loves doing what we love to do. I like the fact that he has the nads to show the bad stuff that happens in a hunt instead of editing all of it out.
So what's the name of this guy's show? I watch what I can, but usually don't pay much attention to the guy's name, unless of course it's good ole Ted Nugent. hump (Actually, I can't stand that guy. Whenever I see him the Deliverance song starts playing in my head and I geat scared)
The show is the best of Tred Barta.. I like the fact also that he does it his way. the Barta way. Always hunts with a longbow and fair catch from what I have seen of him. Not always about the kill and he has his share of skunk hunts and not afraid to film them. Pretty good .
Tred was skunk on a 5 day elk hunt today as he talked about te success rate of Colorado Archery season. It's funny to watch when he screws up.

Gowdy and his scope. He was hunting red stag in Texas tonight. He was complaining about how tall the grass was and couldn't get a shot.
I seen that hunt the other day . With that scope I was waiting to see a laser shoot out of the end of the rifle and vaporize the game.:D
anyone see the show where he was flinging arrows at geese.......damned near hit one.

some may conclude a definite lack of respect for wildlife.
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