

Well-known member
May 13, 2016
Looking at getting a topper for my hunting rig. Before I drop the big bucks on a hard topper has anyone use one of the soft toppers? Worth it or better to spend more money on hard topper
Got it👍🏻 Mine came with a 2 y/o Ford F-150 I bought back around 2002 (why I said they’ve likely improved a lot) and was similar looking to an Outlander. Just never seemed to stay tight enough to me🤷🏻‍♂️ Even going down the highway I’d catch the flap in the mirror and it would drive me batshit. Have had hard Leers since.
Never used a soft topper. I like the hard type a lot. Few items worth thinking about before you buy a hard topper.

  • Side access windows are super handy. The flip up style are very convenient
  • Multiple heights available. Make sure you check clearance into your garage before you throw down cash. I got lucky by like 0.5" when I bought my used one haha
  • locks on the rear access. Mine has two knobs to turn, the single style I've seen look way more convenient
  • Removing it is a pain if done solo. Large loads may require taking it off before hand, and it does suck
I have a hard top (Unicover). Every day I tell someone how much I love my topper. Get the windows that both open and have a screen if by chance you or the dog may spend time back there. The light is great too.
Looking at getting a topper for my hunting rig. Before I drop the big bucks on a hard topper has anyone use one of the soft toppers? Worth it or better to spend more money on hard topper
I did not like the soft topper I had and ended up replacing it with a hard topper. Not sure if you have priced them not, but be prepared for some serious sticker shock. A camper shell that I bought new in early 2020 for about $1100 is now going for $2200-$2400.
Mine was ordered in April 2021 and received in late Oct 2021 and the cost was $2400 including both sides having windows that opened with screens and a carpet liner on the inside. Sliding window in the front. I also put a shelf across the front. Can put a cooler (or whatever) there that can be accessed from the cab on trips.
Never tried the soft toppers and have mostly had the fiberglass hard shells. Can you lock the soft ones? My only real gripe I've had with all my hard toppers is the dust in the back. I've tried most everything but have never figured out how to keep the dust out of the back. I end up putting everything I want to keep clean inside a tote or a plastic contractor bag.
I have always ran a hard top and have had good luck purchasing a used ones, ends up being cheaper even if needing to paint. I suggest getting ones that the side windows open like the rear, makes getting to gear easier and more convenient.
I had a soft topper. It is great if you want to take it on and off often or fold it down to carry something big. I would fold my down and put my motorcycle in the back.

It was dryish. They are drier when they are new. It hurt gas mileage at highway speeds more than a hard topper. Some sort of negative pressure occurs and the sides suck in at highway speeds. Also visibility is worse. It doesn't have any side windows and the plastic sheet of front and rear windows aren't as clear as glass. The back window seemed to stay even dirtier in the winter than my hard topper window does.

If you want it to take it on and off all the time or to carry something large, e.g. a dirt bike to camp, and then pop it up, it's great.
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I wouldn’t skimp on this and just go for the hard topper. They will last the lifetime of your truck and are well worth the investment. I have been running an ARE Z series on my F150 since I bought the truck back in 2016. By far best accessory I purchased for the truck, along with the bed rug, which is a fantastic option for a bed liner.
I've had a few different ones. Had an aluminum one, and a few different fiberglass. I won't have a pickup with out one. I wouldn't get a soft topper, they look like they would leak, not very robust and are not that designed to last long. Toppers are expensive, but used ones can be found if you're patient. Getting one painted isn't a big deal. 3-400 bucks.

As mentioned get the windows that open on the side, even if its just the driver side.
Get one with carpeting on the inside, its quieter, warmer and doesn't condensate.
Get a kit to seal your tailgate and box sides, it will keep the dust out, mostly...
You can get strip LED lighting that will velcro to the roof, its super nice to have in the winter/dark to see everything in the back vs the crappy little single bulb that comes standard with most.
Problem for me finding a used one it’s for Nissan Frontier pro 4x with a 60” box. So not needing anything to sleep in. Not a lot of 60” box toppers around this area. Guess I’ll go price out a new one and see how bad I squeal
I’ve been really considering one of these. I frequently haul dirt bikes and other tall things but have been wanting a topper to sleep in while hunting. I don’t have room to store a hard shell off the truck so have been looking at soft ones. But I think this might be the perfect middle ground. Just came out last year so not many reviews yet.

I am in the market for one. Going to be going solo on my fall hunting trip and don't feel like pulling the camper for myself. White Chevy 6.5ft 2012 bed in Ohio if anyone has any leads?

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