Sitka Pre Season Savings

To busy to Fish ?!?!?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So, About a Couple times a Year I tell everyone my Schedule. I know 280 Really enjoys it :D So I share. Besides posting here, I mess with guys on I have a full time job, I'm doing home loans on the side. I have 4 rentals.... It's Spring and the Garden is getting started !!!! I'm a Cub Master, My oldest boy actually did his Arrow on Light tonight and that was cool being the Cub Master. My Wife is a Den leader so she's involved too....... I'm Coaching my 2nd to oldests team in Soccer and an Assistant Coach for my oldest boy. YAh, It's that time of the year again !! I've been posting and reading alot about investing and spend about 2 hours a day on, Learning, Reading and wasting time more or less :) Speaking of wasteing time (But spending it w/ the kids) I play Video games with the kids. I've been hooked on a game called Garden Defense by YAhoo.... YAh, Thats Productive ;) I go out with the Wife once a week, every week. Keep the Homefront happy..... I've been going to the Gym 3 times a week (Mostly to watch people, Working out is for others !!!) and Play Basket Ball every Tuesday night. After Basket ball we go over to a buddies house, or my house and have Movie night every week. Tonight, We watched my all time favorite Jason Bourne (untimatum). Needless to say, Go,Go...go !!

Ahhh.. so that is tonight. Now, It's a little after 1:30AM..... I got a call from a buddy at 9PM saying he's going fishing in the AM, I can go if I decide.... I was like, What the Heck, Let's get 'er dun !!! I'll be back up in a couple hours, Just for fun :D So, I am taking a Relaxing day off, No Emails, No computer, no Investing, no Nothing..... Just me, A couple buddies, a fishing pole and alot of pop. HEck, I'm not a fisher wussie, I'm not even sure what we're going after ? I think on a boat on a lake. But it will be fun !!! :D

You boyz behave, I'm going playing !!!!!! Somebody please do something constructive for me today, I'll bring back some pictures :eek:
Yeah but you're still young! hump

Yesterday was an average day in the life o Marv....up at 4:15am, out the door at 4:40, work at work at 2pm, drive to bus stop and pick up youngest, head home change, pack snacks and gear, head to other school at 2:30, schools out at 2:51- get two oldest daughters and another teammate, grab gear, drive to rival school and get team warming, stretching, coach game from 4-6:15 (we won 3-2 on 7th inning delayed steal :)), drive home, drop off extra kid, grab more food take middle daughter to practice (it's now 6:45pm), practice from 7-8:30, get home 8:45 and correct/check homework till 10pm eating luke warm dinner, shower, say hello to Mrs, turn in at 11pm to start the next cycle.

This is the pattern 4x a week, on two days we add a travel volleyball team (and out of town tourneys) weekend is house/yard catchup time! Now you see why I can't wait for hunting season and RAIN! :eek:
MArvB... YAh, Coaching and games at least 3 times a week for Moosie too. Next 8 weeks are going to be B-UUUUSSSSSssy !!! I'll need a break in June... Maybe June 21st. Glad I'm taking a break then ;)

Fishing ? Well, I learned alot today ..... I learned were there were fish... and were there were "NO FISH" :D

YAh... but that was just a "Fun" picture... I did some SERIOUS fishing too !!!! Once I got out the Little Mermain Fishing pole... that was all she wrote !!

MArvB... YAh, Coaching and games at least 3 times a week for Moosie too. Next 8 weeks are going to be B-UUUUSSSSSssy !!! I'll need a break in June... Maybe June 21st. Glad I'm taking a break then ;)

Fishing ? Well, I learned alot today ..... I learned were there were fish... and were there were "NO FISH" :D


LMAO thats funny,

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