Caribou Gear Tarp

Time for the yearly FAT OFF????


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
O.K., where you at now and what is your goal.
I am 215 today. Have not started the work outs yet but will this week.
Been working out for two months now.. No stopping til hunting season......Only 3 more months. Bring it on!
I,m at 271 lbs!
Crap i'm gordo!
lookin to get down to 240 by Oct.
Good luck to you on the weight loss and the tag.
I am at 230 need to be there, but need to get rid of 10 pounds of fat, then add 10 of muscle.
What about those of us that are in good shape to begin with? What do I have to work for? I'm running about 162 lbs right now.
TheTone said:
What about those of us that are in good shape to begin with? What do I have to work for? I'm running about 162 lbs right now.
Dont worry, we all hate you for it. :D
I'm at 190 now. I need to be at least down to 180 before hunting season, 175 would be better. But, I'm about to dish up a big bowl of Rocky Road ice cream (Dreyers.) That probably won't help. :D
Well, I tipped the scale at 171 this morning. The gym in town has been closed since last July, but a new and improved one opens today. Hope to be at 160 by August 15.
I am at about 235, but I lost about 2 pounds this morning after 2 cups of coffee! I feel the best at 195....soooo I have a long way to go. Having to go out at lunch when the wife started coming in to do the books each day killed me. John
Cripes Craig a buck sixty?? No wonder you don't need an could road hunt out of IBugler's fanny pack! ;)
I'm a Miller clone.....other than being a whole lot taller. Weigh a little over 170 and would like to get down to 160. Every year it get's tougher and tougher. Wait till young pup Tone reaches 40 and he'll see how tough it really is!
i was at 177 this morning. last year at this time I was at 165. I ran 6 miles this morning, skipped breakfast and had a power bar for lunch. ineed to get to 165 by sept 1. If i can skip breakfast and lunch for 3 weeks, i'll be able to maintain and eat some ice cream and drink some beer during july and august.
Yep, a whopping 155.... I'm getting a little fat this summer, I would like to get back to my original aboriginee frame of 6'1 and 110lbs..;) Better get back to eating grubs and drinking my own pee to shed a little weight...:D
Yep started to get in shape 2 weeks ago. lifting weights, situps & of course a bit of running & bicycle riding.
I'm at 201 and would like to be 190ish. I'm gonna get in shape from two break dancing videos that I got...seriously! Its a lost art!
I will be honest and say that I have been working out since the first of the year with a goal of hitting elk season in the best possible shape I can be. At most I've lost 3-5 lbs in that time. I don't have a weight goal, for me I'm basically concerned about the cardiovascular stuff and my leg muscles. Field season with high temps are always good for keeping the workout going all day.
I don't have a weight goal, for me I'm basically concerned about the cardiovascular stuff and my leg muscles.

Im sitting at about 225 right now, and would like to be about 235 come hunting season! I am mostly concerned with getting my cardio back up, and rehabing my shoulder and knees.
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