Three Companies Oppose Forest Proposal

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Building companies KB Home and Hayward Lumber, as well as office supply chain Staples Inc. — all major consumers of wood products — have lined up with environmental groups trying to protect Alaskan forests.

They realize Bush is nuts!
But these companies still plan on using wood products. I guess Canadian roadless areas are not as important as U. S. roadless areas. Spineless corporate hypocrites. Last time I go in a Staples store.


I can't believe you could be so cold hearted to the fate of Canadian salmon and bears. I would think you would join me in boycotting Staples?


An honest question, seeking information. Don't the paper mills that Staples would be frequenting for the paper mainly produce pulp from fast growing tree plantations in the South?

Why do you think they will go to Canada for the paper? I thought there was huge tariffs on newsprint from Canada???
Paul, Canadian Salmon are doing fine...can you guess why? Lets just say the Fraser River, (basically equivelant to the Columbia River) has only one dam (Stave River) on a single tributary in its entire length. Of course the Fraser has maintained a very vibrant and healthy run of wild anadromous fish, while the Columbia has went to crap. I wonder why????HMMMMMMM???????

Of course, if you knew even the first thing about salmon, you'd never make such a foolish post.

I have no clue where staples gets it's paper from, probably Potlatch Corp? But if they want to cower to the demands of the enviro nazis in order to keep their business, they will lose mine.

Paul, Great! Stay out of Staples. Don't buy anything from Boise Cascade, DuPont, Anhauser Busch, Ford, Procter and Gamble, Home Depot etc. either. They all claim they're environmentally conscious. Don't use any electricity either. Montana Power claims they don't pollute the air or water.

I'd love to see you limit your purchases to only products from corporations who say they hate the environment and refuse to adhere to environmental regulations!

Montana Power is bankrupt and no longer in the power business. Of that list of companies, the only thing I use is BCI's. I could switch to TJI's if you would like. But just because Boise Cascade use good enviromental principles like using natural resources from the good old USA, dosn't mean they have to allow the enviro nazis to dictate their policy. You can see the differnce can't you?


You said:

"Paul, Canadian Salmon are doing fine...can you guess why? Lets just say the Fraser River, (basically equivelant to the Columbia River) has only one dam (Stave River) on a single tributary in its entire length. Of course the Fraser has maintained a very vibrant and healthy run of wild anadromous fish, while the Columbia has went to crap. I wonder why????HMMMMMMM???????"

So are you trying to tell me that the heavy logging of British Columbia has basically no effect on the Fraser Salmon runs? I understand that dams effect the salmon, but unlike you, I also understand why we need dams.

If British Columbia had the same population density as Washington state, it would have about 27 million people. If it had the same density as California it would have about 70 million people. HMMMMM I ????wonder???? how many dams would be on the Fraser if either of these scenerios were used?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-26-2003 10:14: Message edited by: BigHornyRam ]</font>
Buzz Boy,

When you see my little horsey standing broadside at 100 yards. Drool starting to drip down your chin as you slowly raise your 375 H & H and line up the cross hairs. Your finger starts to tense. WAIT!!! Pay attention! I'm just over the ridge, putting the stalk on your queen!


Your move.

Yeah Paul, you're real slick....

What a lemon.

Yeah, the Fraser is really hurting from all that logging.

The river only gets about 30 million anadromous fish a year in it...nearly all wild fish at that.

Let me get this straight. Logging only hurts the fish populations in the U. S.? If logging doesn't hurt the fish in the Fraser, why are the Eco Nazi's trying to stop logging in the Tongass and the Chugach?

Check Mate!

Paul, check mate?

You're right the eco-nazi's only want to stop logging to protect salmon...after all, thats the ONLY species of wildlife found in either the Tongass or the Chugach.

If thats the best game you can bring, you're hurting.

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