Caribou Gear Tarp

The Elk is finished and


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
goes to print on Monday, thanks for all your help! The 1st print will be up for auction at the RMEF banquet on the 23 rd of Aug. in Md..


I will probable have it cropped like this

Thanks Moose, you guys out west who hunt these majestic creatures know the subject matter better then I so for you to like it means allot. I have to get out there for a hunt some day. After Jake is out of school and I have some extra cash.
How much do you think it will go for ?
Will it be framed ?
What will the Dimentions in inches be on he painting ?

Whats your real name ? I don't see it signed on the print ?!?? Will it be a #'ed print or what ?
Moose I just got back from the Nationals game with my 3 son's and my brain can't think that much right not. I do know the Nat's beat the Cub's 10-6

It will be framed
not sure about the dimentions yet.
limited edition of 100
How much will it go for. I have no clue!

I'm deciding if I should go by Dave Hawk or Dave Hawksford
maybe mdcrossbow LOL
I never though about how to sign off. Being a student of art I've seen where artist sign off useing a stage name and but the better ones use their real name. I will probably use my real name.
Looks like a loaded banquet, lots of trips, etc. Was the RMEF Southern Idaho State Chair for a few years, seen my share of banquets. This one looks like a good one, let us know how it turns out.
ERSS I've been to one of them 3 years ago and I won a Tikka 270.

Moose I joined a number of years ago when you 1st started the forum and for some reason I lost contact then when I got my new computer I join up again as mdcrossbow. Forgetting about Dave Hawk. But somehow DaveHawk popped back up. So no you did drink to much LOL
Dave hawk.... YAh, We have a Mike Hawk on here. but I haven't seen Mike Hawk in a long time. Has anyone else seen Mike Hawk ?

Let me know the Size of it.... I might have to bid on it :D
I just ran across this and thought I would let you all know that the print went for $250.00 It's the 1st print of mine that I have donated and I am happy with the results.
I used Colored Inks "FW" with # 1,2 & 3 size brushes. No mixing of color in the canvas.I like to apply each stroke with the color intended for the area.

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