The "A" list


New member
Dec 23, 2000
I finally made it on Cabela's "A" list, they sent me the jumbo "hard cover" catalog. Only given to people who spend way too much money ordering stuff. I told the wife it was for people who don't spend enough, to get them to order more.
Who else has the jumbo catalog ?
A-Con that catalogs a beast isn't it?
The wife asked me why I got it in the mail
and I told her that I was a life member :rolleyes: I'd like to have what they spent in postage mailing that bad boy out
And I thought I was on the short list....

I hear that they have leather bound catalogs delivered by bikini models.
We have it too. Its pretty awesome except they still send out the smaller catalogs to us which doesn't make any sense to me.
My little brother, of all people, has one. He doesn't even have a job!! I guess he had a girlfriend that spent a lot of money buying hunting/fishing stuff for him. Let's see, danner boots, backpacks, scopes, well you get the point. Wouldn't that be nice...a sugar momma!! That dang book must cost a fortune to ship out to all you lucky individuals. I haven't purchased a lot from Cabelas lately since I can typically find better deals from other sites on the net.
A-con great job on the A-list I got mine last year. Know I walk in the doors and everyone says' hello on a first name basis. My wife just shakes her head.