Caribou Gear

Thanks to Delw


Senior Thread Mover
Nov 28, 2001
Chandler, Az
I just wanted to drop a line thanking Delw for taking me out to Pleasant last Sunday! I had a great time leaning the dropshot rig and even caught a nice bass, didn't land it though but it was fun none the less!

I can't wait to try out Pleasant when the weather warms up! Del tells me it's awesome! Not just a fish story I hope! LOL!!

Any way Tell me more about the "Roostertails" club. It sounds like an outfit I'd like to be a part of and Sweet thing says she'd like to join with me!

Lastly, I'd just like to say that if anybody's wondering, Delw is a class guy and a damn fine person to go fishing and maybe hunting with some day.

I hope every body has a great day and I'll see ya'all soon!

John :D
You just bought Del's crap hook line and sinker,
He just told you Pleasant was good so he could maybe get a ride on your boat.

As far as him being a class act, he sure snowed you real good. You's got to watch him. Next time he will be in your tackle box saying this is no good and thats no good, he will look at your rod and reel and say it's junk. Then comes the real stinger, he says
I have this Uncle Pete that uses this kind of stuff back in Iowa, if you want I can find a good home for all this junk you have.

Next time just take a look at all his tackle, he rivals some tackle stores and the funny thing is he did not pay one red cent for any of it. I look at my tackle box and it's 2/3rds empty. I call it the Del factor.

I know it's only tackle right now, but you wait next he will con you out of your boat, your truck, your home.

You see Del's in denial right now, all you can do is go along with him. His wife April has spoken to me. She has tried almost every 7 step program available for Del. He gets to the 5th step and goes right back to being a con man.

Look here he even got you to post nice stuff about him on this chat board. What did that cost ya? And those kids of his, oh they are part of his con act too. Little Anthony will melt your heart, don't buy it, part of the con again.

Dani will show off her excellant boating skills. She will drive your boat and the next thing you know your boats on Del's trailer.

I am just warning you John, until we get Del some help, no tellin whats gonna happen.

ROTFLMFAO... Amerjack You have got me pegged.... Actually john did happen to leave a few worms in the boat when he left.... about 9 of them in perfect shape.. Matter of fact they look just like the ones you left in the boat, Oh did I tell you I had to use them for a tournament one day amberjack... LMAO.. they worked prettty good to, thats why under the part where is says "Sponsors" I always leave the guys name who left(wink) tackle in my boat....

John it was nice meeting you as well, looking foward to the next time we go out.. you need to bring arrons magic next time I seem to be out of those. LOL

Tackle whore
Ohhh I see how you are. Now I feel like some cheap whore. You probably won a $30000 Ranger, sold it and pocketed the winnings. Didn't even think about me or John.

Well Del those worms I left in your boat are pretty pricey buddy. Try $468 apiece. Oh and there were 9 of them that calculates out too
$4212. Lets call it $4000 even. And you better get a hold of John I think he had the deluxe worms.

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