Tent Stakes

Big Slick

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2009
Northern Colorado
Last year the wind was so bad at times I thought my wall tent was going to blow away in the middle of the night. When I would get up in the mornings I'd find that my guide ropes were off of the stakes that I have. Well I guess it's time to get better stakes. Any suggestions? I know the stakes I have seen big Fin use are more like what I need.:)
I have seen some metal stakes that were made from a metal potato conveyor belt. The ends have a rolled edge that are great for pounding and fastening rope. They basically cut the metal rung in half and so both ends have this unique end on them. I'll try to see if I can find someone I know who has them to get a picture. I'm not really sure were you would get them but they were slick. Sorry I'm not much help but I know they are out there.
Depends on if you have to pack in, or take them out of the pick up. I like 1/2 rebar with a washer welded about a half inch from the top. their srtong will hold in sandy,dirt,roots, and rocky areas.
I took fencing t-posts and cut them in half at a 45 angle. Pound them in at a steep angle they work great. They are heavy and dangerous, but only when your drunk in the dark trying to find the tent door.