Teej's 2019 Fall Extravaganza

Better late than never I guess, just got a new(same brand) half dozen arrows, just finished fletching em up off for a wedding party weekend then Labor Day we’re headed west! Can not wait to get out there! Hopefully I’ll have updates as we go along compared to the 6 month wait I out you guys thru the last time hahaha

If I can’t get time for a story I’ll try to at least do images

Well we arrived, weather looks rough, gonna have to see if we can even get off the main roads chance of rain everyday from this Friday to next Friday Let’s hope for high winds!E052B031-E85C-4D27-8C3E-2E6EFC6D63C2.png
Looks like hiking and glassing should be nice and quiet.
Your high today just beats our low last night.Cold water out
of the faucet is still a frigid 87deg.Go get em'! :cool:
Well we arrived, weather looks rough, gonna have to see if we can even get off the main roads chance of rain everyday from this Friday to next Friday Let’s hope for high winds!View attachment 113739

You keep that stuff on that side of the river... check out the weather site and app Ventusky. Gives way more detailed information even almost shows how the wind is blowing in swirls and such.
Day one:

- set up camp
-shoot bows
-went out looking for elk

Ended up finding about a half a dozen small groups. Most with cows, spikes and smaller bulls then last night turned up a decent bachelor group of 6 with two nice 6x6s. Then right before last light we glasses up a herd of 30-40 galloping from the timber to some water we located earlier in the day. Glassed this morning in a different area with no luck.

Talk about the mosquitos, man it’s miserable haha

Day 2(Scouting day): the morning was a wash. We went around to a couple new spots that looked promising but with no results.

In the evening we ended up moving into better position to watch that herd we saw the night prior. Herd bugling from the time we got there at 6pm, saw small pockets of elk on the ridge but they’re not all that huntable. The bugling was awesome; location bugles, lip bawls, herding chuckles, nothing in the challenging nature yet.

Watched a 6x6 come trotting a half mile up a draw to a group of cows with a small 5x5 and take claim to the cows, that was pretty cool.

Right before the sun set the elk start pouring into the meadow below us at 500yds. A handful of 6 points and a bunch of rag horns that we’d be more than happy with.

Sorry for the crappy phone scope pics, the sun was basically down at this point.

Day 3: was a rest day, we just got our gear together and thought up a game plan and hoped for the best.

About 9pm the rain set in and didn’t stop till we went to bed.

Day 4: Opening Day, woke up to it pouring raining overnight. Had to dry some gear off that got wet as rain seeped in under the sod flap and over our floor tarp.

Rain still didn’t stop and the roads are a mess. Everyone in the campground was stuck in their tents. Weather man said over an inch of rain has fallen so far.

So we decided we’ll stay on the “hard roads” and try to get outta this unit and check out the adjacent HD where it seems they got a lot less rain.

The HD beside us definitely seems to have gotten a helluva lot less rain than we did. Sounds like we’re going to attempt to pull the trailer out of its original location and into the drier HD which we’ve never scouted and give it a shot. Foreign terrain is a heck of a lot better than sitting in a tent with squishy floors ha!

Wish I coulda delivered a better story guys, trying to figure this damned weather situation out!
Don’t want to dampen your spirits, but NWS is forecasting an additional widespread 2-3” between tonight and Thursday. The tough conditions are going to get tougher.
This isn’t live as of bad service, I’ll post a couple days every now and then.

Day 5 and 6: pretty much a wash, nothing eventful except my buddy arrived with the boat, spent at least 2hrs cleaning the mud off it

Day 7(First actual day of hunting): we get up into 2 separate drainages and about a mile in I can hear a faint bugle in my drainage. I have to back track down and up as I wanted to get up near the ridge line and end up running into my bud who just got busted by a decent 5x5.

We ended up moving towards the bugling and after some hair raising/white knuckling spine walks and skirting some gnarly cliff edges the elk heavens opened and from 300yds to 2 miles away there were just herds and herds of elk. Bugling, feeding, bedded, everywhere we looked.

We didn’t make any stalks as we asked to be picked up at 2pm and ran outta time but it was a great find on our first day out.

Here’s some pics of the closest 6pt, I’d say in total we probably saw 6 or so just like this guy.

We went out to a spot close to camp with minimal luck. Glassed up a 6pt with a dozen cows 3/4mi (as a crow flies) away at last light with no chance to even hustle over for an opportunity.



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