T Bone's 05/04 Friday night walk

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
Zipped out of the office early this afternoon, grabbed my 223, and boots and headed out on the prairie south of the Black Hills for a quick turkey hunt. I have two tags for this area, any bird, any weapon.

I walked in a couple miles and spotted a bird in full strut about a half mile off. I snuck in and got with in 200 yards or so. He was puffed up like a VW bug, strutting on the edge of some rimrock. I had no opportunity to get closer. I laid down across my pack and folded him up. Nice big mature bird.


There is an old homestead that I've walked by half a dozen times but tonight is the first time I noticed this old car hidden away behind some trees. Glass is still intact on the rear windows.

Don't know what the plating on the inside handle is, but it's in great shape.

Walked past another old homestead.

continued on next post....
Walked down by my deer ambush spot. Remember this fella from November?

Here he is 6 months later.

Wasn't finding much for turkeys, but found a bachelor group of whitetails, two of which looked to be old bucks.

With the sun dipping low, I turned back toward the car.

And stumbled into a lone bird feeding in some trees.


Nice night for a walk.
Congrats again T-bone! That was quite the productive stroll and you didn't even have to use vacation time which is a huge plus!