stolen buck


New member
Apr 22, 2006
I shot a rather large buck this year with my bow. On Thursday evening, I picked up the buck from the taxidermist. We spent the night at my in-laws in Sandy, UT. Sometime Thursday night, my car window was broken out, and the buck was stolen.

As you can see from the picture, there are matching kickers, a 16+" inline point, and only one eyeguard. I was having artificial velvet put on it so when it was stolen, it was just a cleaned up skull and all the velvet is off the antlers. Right now, the antlers and skull are washed and bleached white. Somebody may try to pass it off as a found deadhead, or they may attempt to color the antlers.

I know it is a long shot, but if you could forward this message and picture to your hunting friends along the Wasatch Front, just maybe someone will come across my buck. thank you for forwarding this message to anyone you know that may come across it. If you do happen across it, please email me at [email protected].

In the meantime, I will be watching KSL, Ebay, Craigslist, and the local pawnshops. thank you.


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That's pathetic, really.

I've got a buddy that lives down that way, I'll pass it to him.

Kinda reminds me of ol Cole Houston, only he bought his trophies.
What a Jerk, I hope you find the Thief and ram that 16" inline you know where!
never had one stolen after it was to the shop, have a buddy who lost his big horn ram(stolen), and my dad has lost two animals on the mountain (stolen) Good luck, and I really hope you find it.
Some dude will probably post a picture and story up on Monster Ego's errrrr I mean Monster Muleys, with a great story about hiking in 10 miles, making a 750 yard bow shot, etc.....

Sorry this happened to you, I know it must really suck
Sorry. Hope you get it back. My son in law had a hind quarter stolen from the trail head last year in Colo.
You might also call some local antler buyers and tell them to give you a call if they see that head. Sorry to hear this, you shouldn't need to hunt him down twice.
Thanks for taking the time to forward this on guys. I know I likely won't ever see my buck again (or shoot another buck this size) but I am happy to know that there are others out there keeping their eyes open for it.
Sorry to hear about your buck. That greater Salt Lake City area sure hasn't turned out the way the forefathers had envisioned I don't believe. You can't get me through that country quick enough while travelling.

If you haven't already, post this on Monster there are a ton of Utar...errr... Utahians? on that site and a lot of them really see whats going on around there...

Good luck man... that is one awesome buck!
Great deer! Sorry some dirt bags can't keep their cotton pickers in their pockets where they belong.
To quote an an old friend "I hope his n--sack grows to the side of his leg."
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