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Stirring the pot with Wolf lovers ?!?!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Me ?!??! Maybe ;)

So I saw comments on Defenders of Wildlife page. I felt compelled to put in my .02.

After comments like:

"I was wondering what the heck is Kamiah??? So I checked out the website. "They sez' they be a progressive group o' people" in the woods and killing anything with 4 legs. Oh God, Tell me this state is not part of the Union?
Check out Kamiah and PRAY you never go there......I am sure the animals are praying......SCARY!!!!!!!!!"

"I am sad for the wolfs!!! Run, Wolfs, Run!!!"

"Wish the guy had missed the wolf and shot himself instead!"

I answered some myself :

Tree huggers post : I am curious. In this debate about killing or not killing wolves, I have seen little or no discussion about the positive effects of wolves on habitat improvements and enhanced ecosystems because of less grazing by deer and elk. I have seen absolut...ley NO discussions of the positive effects of wolves for killing sick and injured herbivores. It was just a few short years ago, public health officials were concerned about people eating wild meat because of waisting disease. I believe a Wyoming hunter died of it a few years back.(same as mad cow disease in UK) Now thanks to wolves, these sick deer and elk are being naturally removed and herds and animals are in better health conditions and the meat is actually ok to eat; thanks to wolves.... (ETC)

MY Reply : Thomas, They don't just kill the weak. There is Proof on that. And there are no discussions of the positive effects on Wolves probably for a reason.... There is Proof, however that they are taking out a lot of Elk and deer populations. I would think more Wildlife suporters with ANY clue would be OK with managing a few wolves. ONLY 220 will be taken... Read More, thats less then 10%. Tops. They have been growing at a Greater rate then that. I haven't seen any talk about if hunters don't manage the Canadian Wolf that was intoduced into Idaho who will manage them ? What happens when the Deer and elk are all gone ? I've spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in the field replanting habitat, for Wildlife (Elk and deer) and would LOVE to see a ballance. Most people here are from the "City" and have only seen a picture of a wolf and have no clue... ZERO. I wonder how many habitat hours and Dollars to preserving habitat these "Defenders" posting on Facebook have put in. Any guesses on that ?

Tee hugger's post: This wolf hunt is absured....just in Idaho alone they have sold 10,000 tags according to yesterday's that a misprint? Do we have that many wolves? Do we have that many idiots...YES! Now I see where polar bear parts are being sold other countries. Let's get this planet and the inhabitants to a healthy place. Abolish all animal injustice and then maybe we'll have better humans.
MY Reply : Absurd ? I'd say thousands of locals would dis-agree with ya. My guess is over 20,000 tags will be sold. Only 220 Wolves will be allowed to be killed (Legally). So the more tags sold, the more money raised to help manage Wildlife.
Do you have any clue how much more Money Hunters give to protect and fund Habitat Projects then the 35k people that are... "fans" ?

And no, we don't have that many wolves. But there are over 2,000 of them. Do we have that many Idiots ? Well, there are on Face book.........probably closer to "36,378 fans" :)


Anyway, I could post all night but I think I made enough "fans" for the day.....I'm already getting FAN MAIL... I'll be busy reading and laughing.

Shoot straight and Aim small, Miss small !!!

MY Reply : Thomas, They don't just kill the weak. There is Proof on that. And there are no discussions of the positive effects on Wolves probably for a reason.... There is Proof, however that they are taking out a lot of Elk and deer populations. I would think more Wildlife suporters with ANY clue would be OK with managing a few wolves. ONLY 220 will be taken... Read More, thats less then 10%. Tops. They have been growing at a Greater rate then that. I haven't seen any talk about if hunters don't manage the Canadian Wolf that was intoduced into Idaho who will manage them ? What happens when the Deer and elk are all gone ?

And no, we don't have that many wolves. But there are over 2,000 of them. Do we have that many Idiots ? Well, there are on Face book.........probably closer to "36,378 fans" :)


What kind of "Moosie Math" comes up with 2000 wolves in Idaho? The number is generally agreed to be between 850 and 1000. Your math sucks if you think 220 is 10% of the actual number in Idaho.
1. Your naive if you only thing there are only 850-1000.
1a. there are at least 3 less wolves as of today :D
2. It doesn't matter what I write, most of them are too stupid to call me out on it.
3. No one can Prove any numbers. 73.5% of the statistics are made up on the spot anyways :D
moosie...great job and posts on the 'destroyers of wildlife' pages/comments. like most of 'that' type...they talk 'out their azz', have no idea on reality in the wild and definately dont understand the relationship "$$$" wise, "time" wise and 'true interest' wise that sportsmen/hunters/fishermen contribute to the welfare of 'realife wildlife' in this country.
maybe you should post the links to that page incase any of the rest of us would like to 'help you contribute"? :D
Stirring the pot with Wolf lovers

Ive merged the two rabbit to the pot threads together so the information is all in one thread so its easier to find. Good info, thanks. It would be great to see some pictures with it too if at all possible.
Although I agree that there's enough wolves out there for a well managed hunt, I don't think picking a fight with the anti-hunting crowd is the best approach to get your message across -- especially when the numbers you're throwing around are incorrect. Simply correcting their preconceived notions and supplying them with the CORRECT information will probably go much further than trying to make a jackass out of them -- even if they are one. All you're doing is adding more fuel to the fire. You need them to see your side of the picture without pissing them off or they're just going to continue to spend every ounce of their energy and savings supporting the conservations groups tying up the agencies in court. I know it's fun to give these folks a hard time, but it's not doing any good. You just make us all look like redneck idiots.
Check out the article in Bugle this month on the Wolf seasons this year in Idaho and Montana.
Lots of good ammo for the anti-hunting, treehugging, gun controling, PETA people.
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