STEALING YOUR PUBLIC LANDS - Costs of Land Management (Episode 4)

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Today we released the 4th video in this series. The more videos we release, the more good video topics that are sent our way.

This video examines a few of the costs that states will incur under the notion of State Transfer. Costs are the area Proponents of Transfer hope will be ignored in the debate. When we consider the costs, that leads us to the question of, “What would the States do with these lands if they were losing money?”

We only examined a few of these costs, as the video is already longer than I wanted. Our goal was to get people to think about the costs involved and question why the other side does not tell them about all of these costs. Very quickly, the viewer understands what the end result would be.

Our next video will show the history these State Land Boards have in selling their lands. Then, we get into a state-by-state analysis.

The YouTube link is below:

pack elk 3-001.jpg

I hope you will share these videos with your fellow public land advocates.

Our schedule is to release a new video every Wednesday. The video roll order is:

1. State Transfer - An Introduction (released May 18)
2. History of Public Lands in the West (released May 25)
3. Destroying the Myths of State Transfer (released June 1)
4. Costs of Land Management – Why the States would sell (released today)
5. History of State Land Sales – These lands will get sold!
6. Colorado – What would happen under state transfer?
7. Wyoming – What would happen under state transfer?
8. New Mexico – What would happen under state transfer?
9. Montana – What would happen under state transfer?
10. Nevada – What would happen under state transfer?
11. Utah – What would happen under state transfer?
12. Alaska – What would happen under state transfer?
13. Oregon – What would happen under state transfer (Elliot State Forest, our crystal ball)?
14. The people trying to steal your public lands
15. What you can do to help​

We have built a YouTube playlist for these public land videos. If you would rather follow the playlist, it is at this link -

Thanks for all your advocacy on behalf of public lands. We have a lot more in store, besides these State Transfer videos. I hope you will share these with your fellow public land hunters.
Another awesome video. Thanks Fin, for putting this series together for not only educating others, but helping further educate us public land advocates.
You know you are over a valuable target, when you start getting a lot of flak. Well, this series "STEALING YOUR PUBLIC LANDS" has the flak coming in heavy doses, and we are only on Episode 4 of 15. Not that I really care. It only serves to focus my resolve.

If any of you are inclined to tell our sponsors that you appreciate them supporting our platforms, now would be a good time for them to hear it.
Great video Randy! This one gets right to the crux of the issue and gives really easy to understand facts that even those who are not very informed on the issue can understand. More and more people need to be demanding specific answers to "How are you going to pay for it?" and "What is going to happen when you can't"?, from the politicians who support transfer.
You know you are over a valuable target, when you start getting a lot of flak. Well, this series "STEALING YOUR PUBLIC LANDS" has the flak coming in heavy doses, and we are only on Episode 4 of 15. Not that I really care. It only serves to focus my resolve.

If any of you are inclined to tell our sponsors that you appreciate them supporting our platforms, now would be a good time for them to hear it.

This is definitely raising a stink in a good way too. I've seen these videos picked up by numerous outdoor content platforms. From the looks of the majority of public opinion, you are in the right side of history, though that in no way lessons the importance of the fight in the present.
I'm on board, always have been, always will be. So please everyone, don't be the one responsible for ever voting for someone who either directly proposes transferring public lands, or even leans slightly in that direction. These politicians aren't hard to identify, we all know or should know who they are. If we don't that's 100% our fault.
Contacted some of your banner advertisers, at least the ones that I could find emails for with the following message:

"I can't tell you how much we appreciate your support of Randy Newberg, both his Television content and his WEB content. We need more people like Randy who stand up for the average public land hunter. Keep up the good work and keep supporting folks like Randy who take a stand that helps us all."
I just now saw this and I have to say you and your crew have done an outstanding job here Randy. The quality of the video, the editing, the taught paired down narrative presented in a way that it's easy to follow. You folks have done a great service to public land recreation.
I am getting feedback from family & friends( on my forwarding these topics.
Some are even seeing thru the gray of their own beliefs.
From right wing- hunters to lib bunny huggers.
From other hunter meat eaters to a private veggitarian chef....