PEAX Equipment

Spring Bear hunting... Desicion time.

Hey Ovis, I got the old "Sniperoo" in December of last year. Maybe is was just me but I think paper cuts hurt worse than what I went through with the vas. Just take it easy after the procedure for a few days and you'll be back in the saddle in no time. How did we get on this subject anyway? Isn't this the bear section?
Wasn't there a topic aboutthat in the Adult section ? Man I think I'll wait a bit to get mine done..... Don't have enuff kids yet ;)
"the girls were most likely from Missoula MT. Were they lesbians?"

Do you have to ask?


Nothing to it. Just don't go back to work framing the next day like I did. The boys swelled up like a pair of siamese grapefruits. Small price to pay for being able to go hunt Alaska.
The boys swelled up like a pair of siamese grapefruits
:eek: :eek: I'm in the "to be snipped" category as well...soon as I build my courage up :eek:

Hey Moosie, are the laws different in Idy-ho or do they really allow you to use beagles for over here the Human Society would be all over yer ass ;)
MarvB said:

Hey Moosie, are the laws different in Idy-ho or do they really allow you to use beagles for over here the Human Society would be all over yer ass ;)

Oh.... The stories I could tell..... ;)

Beagles, Chows, Wieners.....

Yeah, I know there are other ways to find bears... and I have carried them off the mountains after spot and stalking... The controlled hunt I put in for this year doesn't allow baiting or dogs, but alas, no love from the Fish and Game's computer..... We about "jump shot" one this year while Elk hunting. Came up on a ridge and stepped next to a bush, and an ol' bear came busting up from its' den about 2 feet in front of us. :eek:

And I think we got the Missoula gals back on the "right" team.... hump
ElkGunner said:
And I think we got the Missoula gals back on the "right" team....

Taking a page from SI I want to see about 3 sources of documentation and at least two articles proving that statement. ;)

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